Christmas One-Shot (Leo)

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Okay, you know that tradition on Christmas where all of the writers of Wattpad put up their little Christmas specials.

Well I'm breaking it... Here's the Christmas special that was supposed to be be finished forever ago... 😁

"Leo! Give it here!" You ran after your boyfriend who had stolen your mixing spoon. Again.

"Come on, (Y/N)! Just one lick!" He pleaded, turning around and giving you his puppy-dog eyes and pouty lip.

"No. You can't lick the spoon until after I finish baking the cookies."

"And when will that be?"

"Until we have enough," you put your hands on your hips. You had been baking cookies for all of your friends for the past couple of hours, wanting to make sure that everyone had enough. Of course, your friends are like horses so enough want even in their vocabulary.

"Now give me that." You made a lunge for the spoon, but Leo ran away again.

"Uh uh uh. You'll have to try harder." He gleefully ran around the kitchen island that was in the big house, you chasing him.

He eventually ran out of the kitchen and into the sitting room, standing atop the couch."Come on, (Y/N)," he taunted, "you're almost there." He waved the spoon back in forth at you standing in the doorway, standing up on the couch.

You smirked and started walking towards him until you were no more than a foot away. "Okay, Valdez; I'm here. Now just give me the spoon before I personally scorch your eyebrows off with your own flames."

Leo made a hurt face, his hand on his heart, "Well that wasn't harsh." He hopped off the couch and ran over to you, handing you the spoon.

"But I think I deserve an extra batch of cookies all to myself." He stated placing his hands on your waist, his head getting dangerously close to yours.

"And just what do you think you're doing?"

He giggled and pointed up, "Kissing my drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend, obviously. I mean, I kinda have to, mistletoe and all."

You looked up. Sure enough, there was a sprig of mistletoe hung into place in the middle of the doorway.

"Well then, I guess I have no choice." You stood on your tip toes and started to place your lips atop of Leo's, but pulled away at the last second, leaving him closed eye and puckered up.

Instead, you reached for his right ear on your left. "But that's parsley. Im a daughter of Demeter, Leo. I can tell the difference between fake and real plants."  His eyes widened just as you tapped his nose with the spoon, the batter making a splat sound.

"So close."

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