Favorites Tag

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Hello beautiful people. Now, I know, I know. You can't show up here Maddie after months of not posting anything but Author's Notes and expect blah blah blah blah blah.

And yet, here I am!

Anyway, I got tagged by the lovely @chelsiejin to do this tag. Hope you like!


1. Favorite Song -

There is literally no answer to this.. BUT

If you haven't already, check out

Ed Sheeran - He's an AMAZING individual artist with so many unique and personal songs (Thinking Out Loud & Wake Me are some favs)

Adele - Do I really need to explain this one at all?

KB - Crowns & Thorns is a piece of ART

The Beatles - I'm not even gonna put anything on here, just go to their VEVO and listen

2 CELLOS - VEVO. Listen. NOW.

Sia - Girl power all the way in Sia's AMAZING songs. Crazy talented and a rocking voice. Songs that will never grow old.

2. Favorite Sport -

Haha, I don't do 'sports'. I do enjoy watching bull riding, though... Maybe a game of volleyball or Gaga ball here and there.

3. Favorite Band -

Why do you people do this to me?! Totally non-traditional I know, but right now 2Cellos are rocking it.

4. Favorite Show -

Ummmmm can't pick one

5. Favorite Movie -

Pride & Prejudice (2005) and the Hobbit/LOTR movies

6. Favorite Color -

Maroon or Orange on a regular basis, but can vary depending on different days...

7. Favorite Food -

Hands down peanut butter sandwiches and guacamole

8. Favorite Drink -

I find that I actually drink water much more lately... but I LOVE sweet tea... And coffee

9. Favorite Video Game -

Um, here's the funny thing... I don't play a lot of video games. I'm more of a board game, euchre, heads up, guess the song kinda girl.

10. Tag ten people -

How about no... 🙃

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