Episode 9: Destruction, A Way of Revenge Part II

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Blood dripped from the bodies of the bad, the destructive, and the untrustworthy humans. The blood crossed into an intersection on the floor and formed a big puddle. An eerie feeling filled the dark casemate of the amethyst castle as a bulky dark figure walked slowly to the blood puddle, reaching his hand out and murmuring a conjuration.

The blood swirled around, turning its color into magenta. Spikes formed, and moved around causing the humans to finally react. The dark figure's eyes glowed white as the magenta-colored puddle disappeared. The monstrous figure took out a container, the liquid teleported in and uncontrollably sparkled.

"The final ingredient is complete." He finally spoke. Vixx looked over his shoulder. "Gather the witches and prepare yourself for the journey, we'll be doing a different form of realm traveling."

Disgusting laugher started in the corner of the casemate. A small person walked forward, shorter than Vixx and more wider. The monster resembled a fish, with a big head, large fins, and sharp white teeth. It wore a black trench coat, too small for its body and the front was wide open, showing its humanoid body.

"I'm so excited. I can't wait to show the humans their fears." He cackled again.

This time it was too obnoxious and boisterous for Vixx's liking. "QUIET!!" He yelled and the short monster stopped.

Vixx turned around and walked towards him. "Deghon, your assignment is to take over the operation and accelerate the plan. Gather the elemental scrolls and break the spell. By-any-means-necessary." Vixx looked down at him. "Do I make myself clear?"

Deghon gulped. "Yes sir."

Vixx studied him. "Good. Now," He finally sighed, and turned around. "Leave me be. I need time to recharge."

Deghon lowered his head. "Of course, sir." The little monster hurried out of the room.

Vixx chuckled. "I'm coming for you....."


The large, alluring waterfall opened up. The Red Elemental Fire Ape Zord ran into the cave that was lit by bulky, bright crystals that stuck out of the walls and ceiling. Obviously, this wasn't no ordinary cave as another waterfall stood on the left side. This one, larger than the one that brought them in. The waterfall connected to the nearest ocean and gave easy cave access to sea animals of all kind, including the Blue Elemental Water Shark Zord.

A large forest stood in the middle. If you squint your eyes, you can see pass the vibrant green trees and spot the Green Elemental Earth Boar Zord, chilling near a big rock. At the entrance of the cave, the Ape Zord stood on fours strongly. As the mouth opened slowly, three frustrated teenagers in colorful suits glanced at one another as they walked to the edge and jumped down.

Blake flashed green as he powered down and dusted off his green diamond-pattern long sleeve shirt. He ignored his fellow comrades and walked away. He knew what they were gonna say and ask him. What the heck was that back there? He wanted to hurt those people and make them even more worried of us. But Blake didn't care what the people's opinion on them were. He was fighting monsters, protecting them and they should be glad.

"I gotta go home." Tyler said, powering down beside Sofia. He took out his phone and showed the list of missed calls from his mother and Travis to her. "I left Travis in the forest and my mom's probably worried about me."

"Go, I'll hang here and talk to Blake about what happened." Sofia muttered.

"Right...." Tyler glanced at Blake. He also wanted to know what happened back there, but he didn't want to press Blake about it. The words from the nymph, Meliae, suddenly echoed through his mind: You need to know who your teammates are. Get to know them in order to fully face your past and become the leader you're meant to be.

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