Episode 4: Toxic Anger Part I

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Strong wind hit Abrus' face as she found herself hiking through the deadly snowstorm that was in Antartica on Deception Island. Of course when Abrus searched for the toxic and dark readings, that it would lead her to one of the most deadliest places in the country. She wore a violet scarf to keep her neck and chin at least warm, but some parts of her legs and stomach were still opened. Luckily, Abrus knew that this country would be cold as she placed some sort of poison spell on herself that allows her body heat to stay at a warm temperature. Even when the coldness and the snowflakes touched her skin, she would feel nothing but a swift breeze.

She was heading towards an arctic base known as the Whaling/Whalers Bay Station and could see it from far away. It was a base used by a Norwegian-Chilean whaling company in the early 1900s as a ship base until oil prices went down during The Great Depression and the base was abandoned. It wasn't until the base came into contact with toxic waste from research labs and Toxin's scroll that it became one of the most toxic places in the country.

Abrus reached the base and noticed the large rusty objects that surrounded the building. From no windows to no doors, the base was definitely abandoned, but Abrus still felt someone's presence in the building. She walked in as her hands had mist surrounding them and her eyes glowed.

"Oh Toxin, come out come out wherever you are. You doltish critter!!" A haunting sound came from the kitchen of the base as Abrus slowly walked towards the room. She peaked in and saw green gas, that must've been toxic, feeling the kitchen. It seemed to be coming from the basement with the door torn off and laying on ground in front of the stove. The dishes were piled up and tables and chairs were dirty. Abrus tried her best to move throw the destroyed and dirty kitchen, but even the terrible smell disgusted her.

She walked down the stairs and now the toxic gas was getting to her. She reached the last step and saw the dirty green toxic gas swirling around something that was glowing in the center of the basement. "Ah, there you are." Abrus slowly walked towards the small gas tornado and placed her left hand inside of it.

"AH!!" Abrus was met with a burning sensation as she yanked her hand out. "You ignorant virulent!!!" Abrus raised her hands as she began to mumble a poison spell that would allow her to phase through the gas and get to Toxin's scroll.

"Hguorht em tel won!!!" An outline formed around Abrus body as she slowly made her way through the gas towards the scroll. She reached the object and grabbed ahold of it as the gas went away and the object stopped glowing. The scroll reacted to the darkness that was inside of Abrus as she threw the scroll in front of her and the object began to morph into a monstrous figure.

Toxin arose from the darkness. His eyes glowed dark green as he stretch his body and looked around the room. He finally looked at Abrus and grinned. "I didn't expect you to need me so soon."

"Don't flatter yourself. If Mother Nature didn't form a new team of rangers, I wouldn't even need."

"A new team...of rangers." Toxin folded his hands into fists. "I thought we made sure she couldn't."

"I thought so too, but don't worry--" Abrus waved her hand. "They're amateurs unlike the previous team."

Toxin crossed his arms. "If they're amateurs, then why do you need my help defeating them?"

"Because you know dang well that you're more suited for battle than me!!"

Toxin chuckled. "I know...I just wanted to hear you say that again."

Abrus puffed. "They may be amateurs, but they're stronger together."

"Stronger together...." Toxin repeated the words as he summoned his long sword and took out one of the green crystals that laid in the swords's cross-guard. "Don't worry, with the help of me and my comrade, we will tear that ranger team of theirs apart, take the elemental scrolls, and this town will bow down to us!!"

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