Backwoods Creek

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Backwoods Creek, home of the Earth goddess and (was)the purist place in the entire world. The town is located somewhere in New England and is surrounded by tons of forests which makes the town almost incognito-if it weren't for the small road that led into the town from the highway. The four forests are called Meliae, Hmadryad, Epimeliad, and Daphnaie-all named after powerful Dryads (forest and tree nymphs.) Backwoods Creek was founded by a female environmentalist named Gaea Rhea who was a extreme environmentalist who cared more about the Earth than she did people. Gaea named the town Backwoods Creek due to the forests surrounding the town and due to people being able to see the woods in their backyards.

Gaea, her followers, and the townspeople decided to dedicate the town to the Earth goddess herself and tried be a no meat zone/full on vegetarian town; But, that only lasted eight years until Gaea, who was the first and second mayor at the time, suddenly and mysteriously disappeared and was thought to be dead. The new mayor, Steven Bluebird, changed the town drastically as soon as he was elected mayor. The town quickly turned from a natured themed place to a regular town that had normal activities like any other town had.

Now, a woman named Yaz Rosewood is the mayor and the urban place has more commercial buildings and new activities you have the opportunity to do such as go to Actaea Beach, kayak in Eurynome River, explore the four forests, drink at the cafes, go to the movies, read books at the Leimakid Library, hangout at the Town Square/Central Park, or eat at the town's most famous restaurant Steak N' Juice. Today, the town is still home of the Earth goddess but also the Power Rangers Elemental Charge team.

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