Advice 2 ☼ Titles and Covers

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How to make a good title? What makes a good cover?

For my purpose, we're combining these two questions. Why? It's rather simple really, the answer for both is similar. Actually, the exact same. I can answer these two questions in a single sentence (even though I will also be explaining) that fits better than you might think.

A title (or cover) must represent the story.

Really simple, right? I wish. There's nothing simple about this idea, not a single thing. First of all, for the title or cover to represent the story, you have to have a story to represent. You need to know the plot, the characters, the world, and every other little thing that makes up your story. You need to know your story like the back of your hand, if not better. The story needs to be a part of you, your heart, mind, and soul. Only then can you truly understand your story.

But how do you get there? Sadly, this is going to be an answer some of you may or may not like, but hopefully, know; practice. Practice your writing, your plot, your characters. Practice in the world and story you have created. Practice listening to the characters in your head and let them tell you what to do. In the end, you'll finally get to the point where you might just understand your story and you might be able to come up with a title or cover idea that fits.

Some of you may be wondering where the readers come into this. What about catching the readers attention? So, I'm going to be kind of blunt when I say this: who cares? Yep. The reality of the situation is: your title/cover is going to attract some but not others. There will be people who is madly in love with your title/cover, they tell everyone about it, they're in awe of it, they respect it. But there will also be people who scoff at it, mock it, and will look away before they even really look at it. No matter what your title/cover is, those are two kinds of people you'll meet. So, knowing that, knowing you can't appease everyone with your title or cover, what do you do? You please yourself and your story. When you do that, then you can get through anything.


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