Advice 17 ☼ Getting the Words Down

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Hello, Fellowshippers! It's time for another sporadic advice from yours truly, SkarlitDawn! :) 

Today, I'm going to talk about "getting your words down". What exactly do I mean by that? Well, I mean getting your story ideas written down, of course!

Because there are two main different types of writers—planners and pantsers—there are, of course, two different ways of getting your words down. Because I'm a pantser—a.k.a. a freestyle writer—I'll be talking about how to get your words down for my people. ;)

If you're suffering from ideas overload and you don't know what to do with them, especially if you're already working on one that you'd like to stick with, the best thing that I discovered helped was writing one-shots

Your one-shots don't have to be for contests or anything. You can just create a new book specifically for them, and you don't even have to publish it; it could be something for your eyes only. 

Because I'm in a Creative Writing class in college, I get to write a new one-shot scene every week (as long as I followed the prompt and requirements). I have a contest book—that isn't mainly made up of them, but of everything I come across—and every week when I submit my one-shot scene, I also copy it and post it in that book, along with the prompt of that specific week and its requirements.

I do that to help the writers that happen to stumble across it, and also for myself. But I'm getting distracted here.

Now, back to the question: How do you get your words down? Well, by writing them down, of course! Your ideas don't have to make sense and they don't need to be in a certain order and whatnot. Just write them down; on paper, on your computer, even on a napkin is fine! Just as long as you write it down and get it out of your head, you'll be fine.

So many writers out there start books and then they unpublish them afterward because they don't know how to continue them, or because they run out of ideas for them (you're one of those people, Mr. Likes It Bubble Regular_Guy :P). 

For pantsers, that could've been easily avoided if they just wrote their ideas down somewhere and uncrowded their heads. For planners, I guess they plan their stories from start to finish and they don't suffer then? Not sure, I've never planned a story before because I don't want to get bored of my idea before it's even finished. XD

I don't feel like this was a very helpful advice for budding writers, but I still wanted to share with you all my way of combating those neverending ideas. They might work for some of you, they might not, but at least you have another option or way to focus on just one story/idea instead of an avalanche of them.

I hope it helped!


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Have any questions or concerns? Have a topic you'd like us to talk about? Comment down below and let us know! We don't know everything (although we wish we do) and the only way we can help you is if you let us know what you're stuck on or suffering from. :) 

Until next time (whenever that may be), we wish you the best of luck in your writing! We'll leave you with a funny GIF. XD


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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