Advice 11 ☼ Keeping it Real

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Heyo, fellow aspiring writers! It is time for advice 11 (can you believe we're on our 11th week already?), keeping it real!

Now, you may be wondering, "What does she mean by that?" right? That's a good question! By keeping it real, I mean your characters, of course!

I've been asked this question by candylove09: "What do you think is best for someone who has a strong lead in my book? Like how can I transition her as she grows in the book, to have a stronger attitude without making it sudden or cheesy?"

I know I've answered your question before—a couple of weeks ago, so I hope you still remember it!—but I'm going to go in-depth here so I can help others who may be suffering from the same thing. :)

That's where my advice, keeping it real, comes in. No one likes to read about a perfect character, simply because we as human beings aren't perfect. If a character had the perfect looks, the perfect life, the perfect grades, the most popular in his/her whatever setting they're in, it'll make the reader bored, depressed, mad, sad, and all kinds of other negative feelings.

So, keep it real! Don't build your character into this flawless being because there is no such a thing as someone without flaws, whether in real life or fiction. Flaws let us be able to relate to your character, flaws bring out the reader's emotions where he/she get so hooked with your character, they never want to see your story ends. And that is exactly what every writer wants!

If you want your lead to be tough and strong—whether physically or mentally—make her go through some really hard choices and hardships, like I said before. Show us how she deals with them—what does she say? What does she do? What makes her choose a certain choice or decision over another? As you continue doing that, your character will naturally grow and improve. And the best part is, it didn't happen right off the bat! Your readers have been with her throughout her journey, so they got to know her really well and they connected with her.

I hope this advice helped! With some helpful input from Star, I was able to help candylove09 and I hope I was able to help y'all too! Don't forget to leave your comments and questions below, and I—or one of my friends here—will do our best to answer you! :)

Have a wonderful day/night~

All the love,

Skarlit ✿

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