Advice 1 ☼ Coming Up With an Idea

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Do you love reading? Have you ever wished you could write as well as your favorite writers and authors as you read their stories? But, where to begin? How can you come up with an idea that is not only original but also has a strong plot, characters, hardships, and interesting worlds?

The answer is easy (hallelujah!): by being inspired! 

What? Not the answer you were expecting? How do you think all those writers and authors came up with their ideas then? They certainly didn't just sit around in their rooms, twiddling their thumbs and groaning about why they can't come up with anything. They read lots and lots of books, listened to lots and lots of songs and music, and they did lots and lots of research. 

They were inspired by their favorite song, a childhood memory or story, a certain location in their hometowns, even by their favorite books! Ideas come from everywhere and as long as you keep an open mind (and a small journal nearby!) you'll be getting so many ideas you wouldn't know what to do with them all!

So, even if you think coming up with an idea for a killer book is impossible, it isn't. Trust me. It's so easy, actually, it's kind of ridiculous.

But there's a small catch!

Like I said above, coming up with an idea is super easy. The hard part after, though, is loving your idea. If you, the writer, don't love it and will easily get bored or discouraged by it, how do you think your readers will feel? You're going to be writing that idea for days on end, and if your idea doesn't light up your writing fire, then simply discard it until you find the perfect one. 

I hope this advice helped some (if not all) of you out! If you have any comments or questions about anything throughout this book, don't hesitate to comment down below or PM us! We will do our best to answer your questions with the best of our knowledge.

All the love,

Skarlit ✿

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