Advice 6 ☼ World Building: Fantasy/Paranormal Style

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How can you create a world that feels real (in writing and thinking), smells real (in writing), looks real (in your imagination), and allows you and your reader to feel like you're right there with the character? 

Well, there is really no sure template or a way to do that. From my experience, I honestly have a hard time describing my character's surroundings. I usually clear up, at least, a day to just be able to sit down and think about my character's world. I would ask myself things like: where is my MC (main character)? What are they doing? Where are they going? Who is surrounding them? What brought them to that certain location? Things like that.

I write down everything that comes into my head (full sentences or just words doesn't matter) and then I begin researching.

Yep, you read that right. There isn't a single writer who doesn't research something about their story/book at some point while they're writing. They're researching to get an idea of where they plan on geographically placing their world to get the most accurate and realistic results, what traits and aspects should their world have, and the cultures and traditions their world should possess. 

It's definitely time-consuming—and can frustrate you at times—but so worth it in the end. You'll feel so proud that you were able to create something so real, so original, something no one else could do. 

If you'd like some examples of realistic worlds in fiction, pay attention to how your favorite authors and writers do it. How do they describe it? Do they use literary devices? Where do they start introducing their world? Write down what you notice from their styles and keep it as a reference. Just as a reference, though! Don't forget that their books are copyrighted and could get you in heaps of trouble if you plagiarize their hard work and effort.

Have questions? Or something more to add? Comment below and let us know! 

All the love,

Skarlit ✿

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