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Selena's POV

As i flicker my eyes open i sit up hearing my phone ring making me groan as i reach for it and answer.

"Hello?" I groaned tiredly as i rub my eye trying to get used to the bright light shining into my white room.

"Good your awake Selena i need you in the studio ASAP" My manager , Bradford says making me groan once again as I stand up.

"Fine ill be there in 20 min" i said hanging up as i walk into my bathroom turning on the shower than turn on the radio as i get undressed than walk into the hot shower and let the water fall on my naked body. Finally i get out wrapping a towel around my body than walk into my room picking out my outfit put it on than i do my make up and finally my hair.... Than i finally leave getting into my ford and drive off to the studio. ( selena's outfit above )

As i finally arrive to the studio i try hard to cover myself up so no paparazzi will catch me and take pictures lucky i got inside just in time

"Good your here lets get into my office" Bradford said making me sight as i followed him into his huge office.

"What is it you dragged me in here for on a early Saturday morning ?" I asked smiling seeing him sit down as he sights.

"Look Selena your voice is amazing and you have alot of fans that love you BUT me and some others have been talking and we think you should have a partner who sings with you sometimes but sometimes just dance and i have the perfect person for you for that" he said making me sight as i look at him.

"Is it really necessary?" I asked hoping he would deny but....

"Im afraid so Selena but the guy is really talented he is signed in a contract with my old buddy from high school" he said smiling as i just nod.

"Alright fine if its necessary than okay" i said smiling seeing his smile widen.

"Okay well im gonna call my buddy and hes gonna meet us here with his boy right here" he said walking out leaving me there sighting as i stare out the window looking at the birds flying free.... Sometimes i just wish i could be a normal person maybe that would be ALOT easier than celebrity.

Justin's POV

"What?" I asked answering my phone groaning as i rub my eyes trying to get used to the light shining into my room.

"Wake up Justin and get your ass down to the studio in 20 min" Scooter said than hung up making me groan as i stood up changing into something comfy than i walk out into my car and drive off to the studio.

"Good your here in time get into my office" he said as i arrive making me look confused but slowly walked into his office.

"Hello to you too Scoot wassup?" I asked sitting down as he stands up out of his chair kinda nervous looking... Wonder what has gotten into him.

"Well Justin theres this old buddy of mine from high school and well he has this client that needs a partner because her ratings are running low and-

"Wow wow wow HER ?" I asked as he nods making me smirk as i think of 10 different hot girls that could be her.

"And well I think you should be the partner and my buddy too actually BEFORE you say no we're meeting them today in my buddy's study so get up we're leaving now" he said making my eyes widen as I stand up walking out to black car with my body guards and scooter and they drive us off.

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