Everything has Changed

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Taylor and Karlie spent the entire afternoon baking cookies, chatting about anything and everything. Karlie had just taken the last batch of cookies out of the oven; she looked so cute. She had her Star Wars apron full of flour and had the slightest smudge of cookie batter on her nose. Taylor giggled.

"What's so funny?"

"You have some of the batter on your face"

Karlie wiped her cheek, not touching the batter. Taylor giggled again. Karlie pouted.

"Stop laughing and help me"

Taylor wiped the dough from Karlie's nose. Both caught up in each other's eyes for a moment, until Meredith meowed for attention. Karlie crouched down to play with Meredith and Taylor began to clean up. Once they had all the dishes cleared, Karlie put her apron in her purse.

"I guess that's it. I had a great time with you today Taylor"

Karlie reached in for a hug. Taylor didn't want her to leave, she wanted Karlie to stay forever, but she knew that wasn't possible. But still she didn't want Karlie to go home yet.

"Wait! It's nearly dinner time. Why don't you stay for dinner, I mean, unless you have somewhere else you need to be."

Karlie looked relieved.

"You sure you don't mind? I really didn't want to go home yet because I really enjoyed spending time with you today and feel like I've known you all my life but I didn't want to seem clingy or stay too long"

Taylor could see Karlie's cheeks growing darker as she spoke. She was so happy that Karlie felt the same way. However, now that she had agreed to stay, Taylor had no idea what they were going to have for dinner.

"I don't mind at all, silly! I love having you here and feel the same way. I'm not sure what we're going to have for dinner because I haven't went for groceries in like a week because I have been in a slump because of things that have happened these last couple of weeks. I feel so stupid asking you to stay when I don't even know wha-"

"Taylor, shut up. I saw Pop-Tarts in your cupboard we can have those."

Taylor hugged Karlie and they both walked towards the kitchen to get their Pop-Tarts.

"I have beer, do you want to have beer with our Pop-Tarts?"

Karlie laughed, her laugh was infectious. They both got their Pop-Tarts and beer and made their way to the living room.

Taylor and Karlie spent the evening drinking beer, laughing and sharing stories. Taylor told Karlie the entire story of Dianna, she even told her that she was bi. Karlie opened up to Taylor as well, telling her she knows exactly how she has felt these last few weeks because she was in a serious relationship a few years ago with a girl name Tori, before she came out to her parents. Tori had pressured her to come out, but she wasn't ready, so Tori broke up with her, breaking her heart in the process. She has since come out to her family and friends and they've all been very supportive of her and her relationships. This gave Taylor some hope. They only people who know that Taylor is bi, are her parents, her brother, her team, Dianna (unfortunately), and now Karlie.

"I can't believe that we only met last night! I feel like you're my best friend, and I've known you forever"

"That's because you are my best friend, Kar. We may have only met last night, but we were meant to meet. You are the sunshine in my life."

"Tay, that's so sweet. I'm getting sleepy and I think the beer is going to our heads. I probably really should get going now"

Taylor knew that Karlie had to go home eventually but she still wasn't ready.

"If you haave to. I mean you could stay the night. I could give you some pyjamas and you could sleep in the guest room."

"Babe, I would love to, but I have to go home or Joe won't forgive me. Don't look at me like that, Joe is my dog. He has probably messed up my apartment by now because I've left him so long. I'll come by again tomorrow though if you're not busy."

Babe; there it was again, Taylor screamed internally. She can't believe that she was momentarily jealous of a dog. She pulled Karlie in for a hug and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm never too busy for you. I'll get one of my security to walk you home. Message me when you get home please, so I know you're safe."

Karlie hugged Taylor one last time before she left for the night. Taylor put the beer bottles in the recycling, brushed her teeth, and got in bed. Karlie was her soulmate; romantically or not, she knew Karlie was going to be in her life forever.

'Tay, I wanted to let you know that I am home and all tucked into bed. I had the best day with you today. I can't wait to see you tomorrow xx'

'I just got in bed as well! Glad to hear you got home safe. I can't wait to see you tomorrow either! Goodnight, Kar x'

'Night xx'

Taylor sighed and smiled, she couldn't help but think that since yesterday, everything has changed. 

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