They're Playing Our Song

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[A/N: This one shot works best when listening to "All About Us" by He Is We since that's the inspiration for this fanfic. BTW, please don't hate me when you finish reading this.]

MARCH (Present Day)

Zayn stared at the window as the rain started patting on the glass. The more it rained, the gloomier the raven haired lad felt. His phone, laying idly beside him on the bed, vibrated and he picked it up. It was a message. The frown on his face turned into a forced smile but went back to a frown again when he dropped the phone on his pillow.

He's waiting for me now. Zayn closed his eyes and sighed. He stood up from his bed and went to his closet. He peeled off his shirt and pajamas, and rummaged his closet for some fresh clothes. He threw a white shirt with the word FUCK YOU written in red on the front as well as a pair of skinny jeans onto his bed.

After he got dressed, he went downstairs and took a quick bite off the banana bread on the kitchen isle before grabbing the keys from the bowl by the door and hustling to his car outside. He turned on the engine but then, his smell still lingered there even after all this time. Zayn closed his eyes and sighed again.

If only we could turn back time...



The summer air was filled with the smell of freshly blooming flowers and almost everyone was outside. The summer sun greeted everyone with its warmth and it was one of Niall Horan's favorite seasons. He was now walking to Zayn's house, wondering what his boyfriend wanted to do today.

They've been together since they were kids and it had been five years since Zayn asked him to be his boyfriend. It was as magical as Niall dreamed it would be - everything about it was like a fairytale come true and Niall didn't want to wake up. He wanted to be with Zayn Malik forever and ever.

But life had other plans...

As he was walking to Zayn's house, he caught a glimpse of Zayn's secondhand car outside the garage and there he was - Zayn pulling out a hose from the garage and a bucket with soap bubbling out of it. When he arrived, Zayn smiled at him. "So, you're gonna make me clean your car?" asked Niall. Zayn chuckled and patted the roof of the car. "You and I both use this almost every day, Ni. We both have responsibilities."

"So this is your idea of hanging out?" Niall raised his eyebrow.

Zayn nodded. "Yeah, unless you wanna watch a movie again?"

"God, no," said Niall. "Your sisters all watch the same thing every time."

"Well, in that case..." Zayn splashed some water towards Niall and the Irish lad jerked back, hiding at the back of the car. "Two can play at that game, Malik," he said with a grin and he grabbed the hose and turned it on, water sprinkling towards Zayn. They chased each other, trying to get each other wet or maybe just want to have fun.

Then, Niall felt something.

He stopped running and leaned onto the car. Zayn didn't notice it immediately and splashed Niall with some of the soapy water. When Niall didn't fight back and groaned, clutching his head, Zayn dropped the bucket and held Niall. "Are you alright, Ni? Do you need to get into the house maybe?"

"No, no," said Niall, shaking his head and smiling. "Zayn, I'm fi-ah!" Niall clutched his head again and started shaking violently. Zayn lifted him up and got him into the car. He swiftly got into the driver's seat and turned on the engine. The car was already speeding through the road and the bucket of soapy water was left by the sidewalk and the water from the hose escaped continuously.

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