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It was a staring competition, really.

Of who was to give up first.

Honestly, Niall just wanted to give Liam a piece of his mind. Or a smack on the face. Niall was furious when he learned of Liam's plan, and became even more furious when Liam kept insisting.

"No," Niall glared at him, crossing his arms as he sat angrily on the couch. "You are not going back to the front!"

"They need me there," said Liam.

Niall rolled his eyes. "To what, sweep their streets? They hardly need you there, Liam!"

"I'm a Peacekeeper, remember? I took this job so we could have a life," Liam sighed, "And I'm doing this for you and the ba--"

"Don't!" Niall stood up, eyes starting to sting and get reddish. "You could have a normal job and still have a living, Liam! And don't bring Munchie into this. You've already missed the day he was born -- and you're not gonna miss his first birthday too!"

Liam's eyes softened. He walked closer towards Niall, arms stretching out to reach for him, take him into arms and perhaps make him understand the reasons why but Niall jerked away, eyes dead cold as a winter's night.

Niall closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around himself. He felt betrayed in his heart, fear of a happy long life with the man he loved the most cut short slowly engulfing and suffocating him from the inside.

He'd seen plenty enough of fatherless children, parents killed in action -- killed because they were protecting other people. Niall knew Munchie would've been proud that his dad was like that if that ever happened, but the fear was eating him alive and he could not see that it was good so much as it was bad.

"I'm going to bed," he said, voice sounding broken.

"Babe," said Liam softly, "please, listen to me..."

"I'm done listening!" Tears fell from Niall's eyes like broken pieces of diamond, shimmering in the cold light of the living room. In his swift flight up the stairs they trailed as if constellations forming into a sorrowful figure much like Niall was.

Niall slammed the bedroom door behind him, not minding the repetitive knocks that followed after him. He felt tired, the sight of Munchie in his crib sleeping like an angel the only thing giving him strength.

But as he laid his head on the pillow, sleep wasn't so elusive to relieve him of his worries. Sleep was so kind enough to keep him out of his fears for time being. Not minding the cold, not realizing Liam's warmth slowly slipping around his tummy and back as he drifted further where no fear could reach him.


When Niall woke up, he was alone in bed. He felt alone and he knew why: because Liam had already left for Asia. A good five months in the Philippines, protecting the South China Sea...or the Korean border...or to the Islamic activists in Indonesia and then back to London for the rest of the year.

Nothing like the job of a UN Peacekeeper.

When he stood up, Niall noticed that the polo he wore last night became a lose shirt, and the jeans turned into boxers. Munchie wasn't in his crib, and there was a faint laughter downstairs that could only come from his son.

Along with the tantamount of fear that sent his heart beating like crazy came a little spec of hope that when he walked downstairs it was Louis or Harry or Zayn. Or better yet, maybe this was all just a dream.

But it was Liam who was in the kitchen, his back facing him, muscles coiling and uncoiling as he seemed to be preparing breakfast. He was only wearing boxers and an apron over it so, embarrassing enough to admit, it took a moment for Niall to notice Munchie on his high chair because he was distracted by the dips and curves of his boyfriend.

He took the courage to speak. "You still here?" Niall asked, whispering with hope in his tone.

Liam turned around, sunlight making his already tanned skin shimmer. He was no Edward Cullen but damn, Niall thinks he doesn't prefer any other. "Morning, babe. H'were you feelin'?" Liam said, smiling.

"When's your flight?" Niall tried asking another question.

"Flight?" Then Liam realized it and grinned. "I'm not going, love."

Niall frowned. "It's not funny, Liam. I was asking seriously. Just tell me when's your flight because I've got lot's of stuff to--"

The blonde's confidence shrivelled into nothing, his knees bucking, electricty surging through his spine. Liam's lips always had that effect on him, and right now they were tangled into each other, Niall's hands sifting through Liam's hair and Liam's fingers burning marks on Niall's skin. Niall had to admit he was a little twig caught in vines -- big, hard, dominant vines.

"I'm serious too," murmured Liam, their lips barely apart. "I called Zayn last night. It turns out he's not going either. There had been a surplus of volunteer soldiers because of the typhoon in Asia, so, as it turns out, you're right: I'm not needed there."

Niall's eyebrows creased. "Surplus?"

Liam chuckled, pecking his boyfriend's lips. It had always been amusing and lovely how Niall was so clueless and innocent, and yet at the same time a loud mouth when drunk and crazy in bed. "It means they have too many soldiers, love." His fingers grazed over Niall's cheeks. "And I've been thinking about what you said -- I'm sorry about not listening to you, by the way -- and I think I should stay here, get a job. I've got plenty of choices," he sighed, eyes glazed as he gazed upon Niall's ocean of azure,  "but my choice is you," Liam turned to Munchie who was staring at them innocently, "and you too, little bud."

"Liam..." mumbled Niall softly.

"You hungry, babe?" asked Liam with a grin.

Niall blushed. "Not for food," he whispered.

With a sigh, Liam held up Niall's hand and placed a kiss onto it. He smiled ever so slightly and looked up again at the blonde boy who seemed to be staring at him with much expectation. "Maybe tonight, Ni. After all," he leaned over, brushing his lips over the shell of Niall's ear, "I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm not a very good role model, aren't I?" said Niall. "Choosing to be so hot and horny in front of Munchie."

"It's a choice, baby." Liam chuckled. "It's a lot of choices."

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