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This was a request from three years ago (sorry it took this long!) -- about me writing more alpha-omega stories like I did with Fox Rain. I intended this to be another drabble but whoops, I got a little bit carried away. Hahaha.

I hope you like it (and that it's not too long and confusing!)


They've been chasing each other since the beginning of time: before men built their cities; before the forests died; before the tempest became fierce; before the glaciers melted; and back when gods roamed the face of the earth — their ceaseless love filled the rolling fields, scattered their musky scents in the wind, and broke the silence with their glorious refrain.

They would often meet in by rivers flowing from the mouth of Yggdrasil, the world tree, in the middle of the night when the constellations wheeled overhead; when the songs they have written to each other played over and over like psalms in the midnight air; when in the darkness they made love to each other in their mortal forms, flesh to flesh until they were almost of one being — one beast — that had flames like Gubraithian fire, everlasting, inside their chests and veins. The days felt unending: immortality has prolonged their lives past the eons, past the millennia until the age of man, and into the centuries wherein they were revered and trembled upon by weary humans who sought for them as dieties much like their master — the wand-bearer, Glad-Of-War, the Hooded One, the All-Father — the god Odin.

But, alas, the time had come when the gods themselves have scattered, hidden from the mortal world way deep in the clouds, in the poisoned groves of the forest, in the ancient caverns; they could no longer roam the fields that have now turned to towers of brick and mortar, of steel and glass. Mechanical box horses rushed through paved roads and the clatter of mortal lives groaned and tarried on to the night. The Age of Man has brought destruction to their once peaceful world, and in the rage of the engines and the sizzle of electricity, the wolves of Odin — Freki and Geri — were forced to retreat into the mountains, mingling in each others warmth.

In the silence of the forest, a thought came into Geri's mind: a wondering query of whether they should go down to the cities and stay in their mortal forms. Freki was appalled by the suggestion but through much persuasion, they shifted into humans and slipped their naked bodies into their clothes. Geri's dark green eyes turned a tinted blue-green, his charcoal mane transformed into a pale skin and blonde hair; Freki's silver fur shifted into bronze skin and brown hair while his golden eyes turned muddy brown.

"We should change our names," insisted Geri, putting on his tweed jacket and conjuring a suitcase out of thin air and stuffing it with clothes he pulled out of nowhere. "We know humans nowadays have weird names — we could use them to blend in."

"I don't want to change my name," snarled Freki; he tapped the walls of the cave den and heaved a rucksack filled to the brim with gold out between two pressing rocks. "They should accept our names — they've accepted it before."

Geri gave Freki a stern look before taking the rucksack with him and effortlessly slipping it into an already full suitcase and miraculously fitting it inside. "When they still believed in us," said Geri indignantly. "But the problem is, they don't anymore. Even the gods chose to anglicize their names."

Freki, who had already finished dressing up, extinguished the roaring fire in the middle of the cave den with a quick wave of his hand. "Names have power," he pointed out. "Our names were spoken with veneration — not unlike Fenrir who has become nothing more than a werewolf in a novel. And don't get me started on Thor..."

"We don't need domination," retorted Geri frustratedly. "What we need is to survive. We still have our powers even in our mortal form, and that's all we need—" He glanced at Freki as if he said something wrong; sure enough Freki was frowning at Geri with slight hurt in his muddy brown eyes "—and each other. Of course we need other, my love."

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