The Letter (Drabble)

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A sea of black.

The soft breeze of the wind.

Pale skies with the sun like a pearl without its oyster shell.

A blonde male inhaled deeply, taking so much air as he could muster, as if it was his last taste of what free air was supposed to be like. In his arms, he carried a small baby only a few months away from celebrating his first birthday. He was snuggled perfectly in his father's arms that he was asleep in the midst of the gun salutes and momentary sniffs.

The blonde felt guilty. Bringing a child to his own father's funeral whom he barely knew -- how absurd! But nevertheless, the blonde was glad his son was asleep, impervious and oblivious to the chilling wind that brought about the feeling of death.

"Niall." A young man, the same age range as the blonde, patted his shoulder. He was taller and leaner but his green eyes were as bloodshot as the blonde's. "I've got to bring Louis home. He's feeling tired... If you want, we could--"

The blonde shook his head. "Thanks, Harry, but I think me and Munchie will stay here a while."

"You sure?" The taller lad's voice was full of concern, expecting that something unwanted would happen the moment his friend was left there in front of his husband's grave alone with their child. And the blonde's half-hearted smile was less than assuring.

Hands curling around his baby's soft body, the blonde nodded. "I'm sure, Haz."

There was no debate to ensue after that. Harry knew that once Niall's mind was set, there was no way to reverse it. His friend may have the same steeled, pale exterior but deep down, Harry knew Niall was dying inside. He was a dam waiting to burst once the restraints are all but faded.

Even so, he still left but Harry left with no haste. He wanted to wait for Niall to change his mind but after a while of slow walking towards his car, his mate Louis' whines of discomfort brought up his swiftness and they left with Harry glancing at the rear view mirror, watching at Niall's figure shrunk into the distance.

"You promised you'll come back," whispered Niall, tears rolling down his cheeks. "But I didn't expect that you'd come back like this. What's the use of all that money, Liam? Serving the army then just leaving me like this... It's unfair, Li. I hate you."

"I'm still here, Ni..."

Niall jerked upward on his bed, his pupils adjusting to the lack of light inside the bedroom except for the small lamplight beside Munchie's crib. He sighed. That dream again. It's been haunting him for more than a week now. Always the same scenario, always the same feeling of emptiness.

He went back to sleep after checking on Munchie who had his fingers curled around the penguin toy Liam had bought him before he left for the army. As Niall closed his eyes, hoping that he'll dream something better than the fears that were threatening to swallow him whole.


More than a week has passed and almost a year for Liam's absence. Harry and Louis visited, with Harry doing much of the talking while Louis just craddled Munchie in his arms, his belly getting bigger than the last time since the two visited.

"I wish it's a girl," said Harry. Louis nodded distractedly.

After dinner with them, the house fell silent once more. But during dinner, Niall couldn't help but notice that both Harry and Louis were careful on their words, as if they were trying to hide something from him. And Niall didn't feel good about that. In fact, it was unsettling.

With Munchie already tucked in, Niall was about to turn in too when the doorbell rang. Blood rushed through his veins, of which he didn't know whether it was because he was nervous or scared. The doorbell rang again and he hurriedly went down the stair, hoping he won't trip in the process.

In his head, he hoped it was Liam. But if it wasn't, he pleaded it was someone who carried good news. The door opened and Niall was very much surprised to see a certain raven haired lad in his army uniform with a huge smile on his face. "Hello, love."

"Zayn!" Niall literally pounced onto the army man, hugging him tightly.

"I see you haven't changed," Zayn chuckled lowly. He pressed a small kiss on Niall's forehead, the little brother he never had. "Still beautiful," he teased. "And still Liam's, I hope?"

The name caught Niall's attention. He glanced behind Zayn but found the pathway towards the street empty. No Liam there, standing and waiting for him. Zayn frowned. "He's not with me, Ni-Ni." He pulled out of his jacket a small envelope. "But I have this letter addressed to you."

Niall's blood ran cold. This was exactly what he feared.

Zayn kissed his forehead one more time before bidding goodbye. "I'll come back tomorrow to see Munchie with Pez, 'kay?"

Niall only nodded and once Zayn had disappeared, he rushed back inside and tore away the envelope of the letter. His hands were starting to shake as he slowly unfolded the letter inside. It bore a small line which made Niall tremble. His eyes started to water and he couldn't hold back the cry anymore, his tears starting to blotch the message written on the letter.

"See you next week. I love you." - Liam

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