Cats hate dogs...right?

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  The weather is so nice so you take your cat on a walk.

Yup. You're walking your cat because that little cutie loves to walk outside. It never stops to amaze you that you have an incredibly weird but also an incredibly adorable cat.

"Katy purr c'mon now baby!" you said to the cat.

"Meow." the cat responded.

And yeah, Katy purr is the name of the cat. As in derived from Katy Perry because you just love her.

While walking, memories of your ex-boyfriend cheating on you flashes on your mind. That always hit a nerve.

"Meooow!" Katy purr said as if she sense that you're thinking of that bastard again.

"You're such a clever cat! That's why I love you soooo much!" you said then kissed your cat.

All of a sudden, Katy Purr run and come face to face with a dog. You got scared so you quickly run after your cat and take her in your arms.

You see a guy running behind the dog and calling it Loki.

"Loki! Don't you ran away from me!" you heard the guy said. He got the dog and patted him.

"Oh my god! Don't you run like that again! What if the dog killed you?!" you nervously said to your cat.

"Uhm obviously my dog didn't kill your cat. Don't worry my dog wouldn't do any harm to anybody. He's so nice! Right Loki?" the guy said.

The dog barked in response. Then the dog is barking at Katy, your cat doesn't seem look scared or ready to fight at all. Instead, she quickly jump out of your grip and approach the dog.

The odd thing though was that they are not trying to kill each other, they are actually playing.

"Wow." you and the guy both said in unison.

"Isn't this crazy? I mean, I thought dogs and cats hate each other! Look at them!" you said.

"Haha yeaah! This is definitely crazy. I watched Loki hated on some cats before but this. You're cat must have a spell on him or something like that." the guy said looking unbelievably shocked.

"Heyyy! My cat is not a witch! It must be your dog." you said jokingly.

"Loki's definitely not a witch. I guarantee that. Maybe the owner of the cat is." the guy joke in return.

"Do I look like a witch to you huh? Oh wait let me try, abracadabra sis bumba!" you joke animatedly to him.

The guy laughed so hard and said, "definitely not a witch."

You both smile at each other and you notice how great his smile is, how his eyes light up. How beautiful his eyes are.

"I'm Liam by the way and as you already know, this is my dog Loki." he said stopping you from daydreaming and extending his hand for a shake.

"I'm Y/N and this is Katy Purr, my lovely cat." you said then accepted his hand.

"Katy Purr?? As in like Katy Perry??" he shockingly asked.

"Yep! Okay I know It's a weird name but she likes it! When I called her Katy Purr for the first time, she meowed as if she agreed that she liked it as her name. Besides, I'm a big Katy Perry fan, so yeah." you defensively said.

"Haha okay okay. I like it too." he said.

"Thanks." you told him.

For a moment, you both stare at each other, as if calculating the next move. So you just said, "Hey we need to go. It's really nice meeting you and Loki."

"Uhm yeah, me too. Bye Y/N." he said.

The sound of him saying your name sent shivers down on your spine.

"Bye Liam." you said then walk away.

Days later and you still couldn't forget Liam. You keep asking yourself what the hell was happening to you.

"Love at first sight is not even true. ugh he's just so nice and good looking ugh" you muttered to your head. Weird things has been happening to Katy Purr also. She always sneaks out and you always find her on the park where you met Liam and Loki. As if she's wanting to meet Loki again.

"Wow! like owner like pet." you said to yourself.

Then one day, she sneaks out again. You expected to see her on the park but she's not there. Fear starts building up on you.

"Oh my god. Katy Purr where are you?!" you panicky said to yourself.

"Katy Purr?! Katy?! Are you here?" you shout.

Then Liam appears with a worried expression and said, "Y/N? Hey have you seen Loki? He sneaked again!"

"What? Loki sneaked? Again? What do you mean?" you confusingly asked.

"He's acting so weird lately. He always sneaks out and then I always find him here." he said.

"You're kidding right?" you told him.

"Huh? I'm not! Why would I joke about this. My dog is missing!" Liam shouted.

"I mean, my cat does the same thing! She always ran off and I always find her here. Like exactly here!" you said feeling like mad woman.

"What? Oh shit! Do you think they've been seeing each other?!" Liam asked incredulously.

"I think they wanted to see each other but never got the right timing. I think now they did." you answered back.

"So you're thinking they ran away? Together?" He asked.

"I don't know! I mean, why would a cat and a dog ran away?! They can't fall in love!" you shouted.

"Wow! we sounded like parents here. This is so unbelievable. Let's just find them together okay?" he said.

" Yeah. That sounds better." you said.

You and Liam search around the park but no Loki and Katy Purr. You guys went on the other side of the park near the lake and see tons of people having their picnics.

"This is hopeless. We will never find them." you said then started to cry.

"Hey hey hey don't give up just yet! We will find them. Trust me." Liam grip your shoulders to face him and brush away your tears with his thumb.

Then you both heard laughters from a distance.

"Let's check that out." he said then hold your hand.

When you look at the commotion, you see Loki and Katy Purr playing with each other. People are finding the scene quite amusing. They take pictures and videos of them.

"Katy Purr!" you shouted. Your cat heard you and made its way to you. You hugged her so bad and said, "Don't you dare do that! Oh my god! I don't know what I would do without you."

The cat meowed and licked your face.

On the other hand, Liam hugged Loki too.

"You crazy dog. Why would you ran away with a cat?!" he said while patting Loki,

"Haha I think they are not romantically involved. I mean, that's really gross. My theory is that they are long lost bestfriends." you said to him.

"Yeah! You're right." he answered back.

You stare at each other and you see something in him that you've never seen before. It feels like hope.

"So, we can't keep them apart. I mean, they will sneak again most probably." Liam said.

"What do you suggest?" you asked.

"How about I take you to dinner tonight?" he said then smile.

"and then?" you asked melting every second because of that smile.

"and then we'll talk about what we would do with these two." he said

"and then?" you asked him playfully.

"and then I'll ask you out again because for sure I'll keep wanting to see you again, and again, and again." he answered getting closer and closer to you with a smile on his face.

You lost your breath for a moment. You're heart's beating so fast. Then you finally said, "that sounds like a plan."  

One Direction ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora