I'm sorry

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  Currently you were sitting at home just watching TV with your arms crossed and your legs up to your chest. Your body just couldn't find a comfortable position on the couch and so you decided to just sit like that. You weren't even paying attention to what was on right now your head was somewhere else at the moment. Every breath you took your nostrils made a noise from huffing.

All you could think about was the fact Harry said he would be home 2 hours ago and he didn't even call or anything. The first half hour you were getting nervous but then after that you just started to get mad. You couldn't even handle how mad and upset you were at him.

He could have at least called you or something and let you know what was happening or where he was. Before he left he said he was going to hang with the guys and would be home about midnight. Maybe he had been drinking a lot and passed out and the guys didn't wanna bring him here. There was so many possibilities as to where he could be, but all you just wanted to know was what is going on.

You knew that you couldn't stay up all night and wait for him to come, but you did wanna know where he was before he forgets in the morning. This isn't exactly the first time that he has done this to you so you could say you were kinda used to it.

If he never left you a message or a text or none of his friends did then you know they were drinking. The guys know you hate when Harry comes home drunk, so maybe that was it and they forgot to call you. All these excuses were just clouding your mind as to where he could be.

All of a sudden you could feel your eyes start to get a little heavy and were about ready to fall asleep. You kept telling yourself to stay awake for a little longer, he'll be here any minute.

You quickly looked at the clock and it was a quarter till three in the morning, and just sighed really loudly. Even though he wasn't here to hear that you still wanted to do it anyway. The longer that he wasn't coming home the more you were getting angry and upset.

Just when you were about to get up and go to bed you saw the front door open and a drunk Harry stumble into the house. You just sat there with your arms crossed staring at him hoping he would see you. He did see you and his eyes widened and he looked down realizing what he had done.

"Hey baby." He slurred to you with a nervous smile. But you didn't let his voice change your mood and just continued to stare.

"Baby I'm sorry the guys and I were just having so much fun we just lost track of time."He slowly started to walk over to you.

Even though he was drunk you knew he was really sorry for what he did and knew his mistake. But he did show up two hours late and didn't even call and this was his punishment for it.

"Don't ignore me please." He pleaded with you but you kept your face motionless and tried your hardest not to wrap your arms around him and forgive him and have him make sweet love to you.

"You didn't call me." Was all that you said to him and his mouth slightly opened with what you said.

"I didn't call you? That's all you have to say? Well I thought you were asleep and didn't wanna wake you up." He sounded irritated which made you even more mad. He was not gunna turn this around on you so you decided to set him straight.

"Yes Harry I was worried about you this whole time when you didn't call me! I was worried sick about you thinking something bad had happened to you. You always call me if your going to be staying out late or something." You had finished and felt a tear run down your cheek.

He stared at you and his face had softened a little bit, but you could see the irritation in his face. You had no idea why he was acting the way he was, I mean you did have a good reason for being mad at him. There was no reason for him to ever be mad at you, your the one that has the right.

"Well you don't need to worry about me, I mean I got here safe didn't I? I don't know what your freaking out about." His voice was getting harsher by the minute, and you knew it was just the alcohol getting to him.

"Why are you acting like this?" Your voice sounded shaky and you couldn't handle this right now.

"Why can't you just leave me the hell alone, I've already got a head ache and I'm super tired. I don't need this right now." He rubbed his temples just to emphasize that he wasn't feeling good.

"Well maybe if you didn't stay out all night drinking then this would have even happened to you." You whispered in hopes he wouldn't hear but he did hear you.

"God your such an annoying bitch! Why can't you just leave me alone your always on me for everything I do! I knew that I should have never gotten with you in the beginning" He screamed at you and the tears were coming down harder now.

You were tired of trying to act strong in front of him and not look weak. What he had just said to you made your heart break and you couldn't take it anymore. You finally gave up and let all the feelings and emotions just come out. He had gone to far with what he said and needed to learn his lesson.

Without even saying anything to him you just turned around and walked upstairs not wanting this to escalate even more than it already has. Hopefully he would follow you and apologize for what he has said to you. Odds are he's too drunk to care or even get the hint.

When you finally reached your room your body just plopped on your guy's bed and your face buried in the pillow. Your sobs were covered by the pillow luckily, cause if he would have heard the sobbing he would get mad.

Harry doesn't like it when you sob cause to him it makes it look like you want attention and won't talk. He likes you to talk about things with him instead of just crying about it all the time.

After about five minutes of just laying here you knew that he wasn't going to come up here and apologize for this. The thought that he can't even take the blame made you get mad now. Maybe he was too drunk to process what he said and what was going on. He just needs to sober up and he will realize what he was done.

You tried closing your eyes in hopes that you would wake up in the morning and this was all just a bad dream you were having. No matter how hard you tried there was no way that you could get to sleep like this. There was too many emotions running through your head and it was all too much for you.

Thats when you heard heavy stumbling footsteps come up the stairs and headed towards your guy's room. You quickly faced away from the door and got under the covers to make it look like you were sleeping. You weren't going to let him off the hook that easily.

"Y/N?" You heard his voice coming from the door.

The sound of his sweet voice was tempting you to just uncover yourself and have him hold you in his arms. But you were mad and upset with him so you pushed those thoughts aside and continued to lay there.

"Y/N please I'm sorry." His voice was so sincere yet you could still hear the slurring of his talk.

A pathetic sorry was not going to make things better or give him forgiveness. He was going to have to say a full speech of an apology in order to get your forgiveness and love right now. No matter how sweet and cute his voice was to you, there was no way you would give in.

You heard the door open up all the way and heard his steps coming closer to the bed. Then you felt the bed dip down beside you and you knew he had sat on the bed with you. You so badly wanted to wrap your arms around him and have him hold you in his arms all night.

"Y/N baby please talk to me. I didn't mean to say the things I said, I'm drunk it just came out." He pleaded with you but you being the stubborn person you are ignored him.

"The alcohol didn't make you say those things." You finally mumbled after minutes of silence.

"What?" He asked you again.

"I said the alcohol didn't make you say those things." You repeated the second time and pulled the covers off so you could look at him.

"Babe when I'm drunk I say things I don't mean." He said

"Yeah but you didn't have to say those things." You looked down at your lap and played with your fingers.

"I didn't realize what I was saying it just came out cause I've been drinking and don't know what I'm doing." He was not going to blame it on the alcohol.

"Harry I've seen you drunk and when you are you know what your saying. You only said that just to get me upset, it was not the alcohol making you say that don't blame it on the alcohol." You told him with a stern face and he looked down and nodded

"I know babe and I went over the line and I'm sorry and everything I said to you was not the truth. You aren't an annoying bitch and I'm glad that I'm with you I don't regret one minute of it." He said grabbing your hands and you both stared into each others eyes.

"Do you promise?" You asked him

"Yes babe I promise with all my heart and soul, I don't want this fight to ruin us cause it would ruin me." His eyes were getting glossy and the last thing you wanted to see was him crying.

"I just hope that you really mean that this time Harry." You didn't mean to sound like you didn't trust him its just you didn't want this to keep happening.

"Just don't do it again cause what you said really hurt me."Your voice almost close to a whisper.

"I promise I won't ever do it again babe, I never want to hurt you." He smiled at you and you returned the smile back.

"I love you so much Y/N." He gave you a small kiss on the cheek.

"I love you so much Harry." You said back and this time you kissed him on his lips.

Every time he told you he loved you and gave you kisses your heart would melt and the butterflies in your stomach would go crazy. It was a feeling you could never get used to and never wanted it to end.

"How about we go watch your favorite movies and cuddle all night? That sound good?" He asked you and you smiled and nodded.

"That would be perfect." You replied back.

"Your perfect babe, everything about you is perfect and flawless and wouldn't change a things about you." He kissed your temple and you both smiled.

He then got into bed with you and pulled the covers over the both of you and you snuggled into his side with his arms wrapped around you. This moment couldn't be any more perfect to you.  

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