A night to remember

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  One Direction will finally have their concert in your country. You are so excited. The term excited is an understatement. But the sad thing is you don't have any money.

"Shit life." you thought to yourself.

How am I gonna go to the concert?! Asdfhjkll you bawled until you have no tears left. Your mom talked to you and apologized for being so poor.

"Mom, you don't have to apologize! Gosh I understand. I'm sorry for being such a drama queen. I just want to see them you know. I've been waiting so long for their concert and now they are here. Don't worry I'll be fine. I think." you told your mom.

" Well I have a little money here. I think you can get general admission." your mom said.

"Really mom? But what if you need it? No! we can't risk it." you told her.

"You can take it. It's the least I can do to make my daughter happy. Don't worry about it ok?" your mom said while hugging you.

You started crying again.

"MOM THANK YOU SO MUCH! I OWE THIS TO YOU. GOD I OWE EVERYTHING TO YOU. I LOVE YOU!" you told her while crying your heart out.

"Hey hey no crying again! Haha you're making me cry too." you mom said.

The next day, you immediately went to the concert arena and bought the ticket. You asked the teller if the lower, upper boxes and vip's are still available.

She said, " No. Everything's wiped out in a matter of minutes. "

Holy fuck.

Well thank god I still got gen.ad. Then the realization hit you. IM GOING TO THEIR CONCERT!!!! WAAAAH! Only 3 months left. Oh my god.

After 3 months...

Cmon cmon

The one that i came with
She has to go
But you look amazing
Standing alone-

Your eyes immediately opened when you heard the tune. IT'S ONE DIRECTION DAY WWWWAAAAHHHHHHH.

"I need to prepare gosh I need to go to the concert arena as early as possible!" you mumble to yourself. Then your phone rang and you saw the caller, it's your uncle. Huh.

" Hello Uncle John? What's up?" you told him.

"Hey Y/N, well firstly, don't you dare scream when I tell you this ok?" he told you then stiffled a laugh.

"Oookay. Spill!" you nervously asked him.

"Well you know i'm working in a catering company and we're gonna cater One direction crew tonight after their gig. I called you because I know you really really like these guys, and my boss is hiring staffs so are you up for it?" he told you.


"Y/N?? Hello? Are you still there?!" he asked panicky.



"Sweet jesus i know that when I tell you this, I'm gonna be deaf. Haha. Okay no problem. I'll just text you the details ok?" he said.

"but wait, how am I gonna watch the concert?" you nervously asked him.

"Oh shit yeah. Hmm okay I'm just gonna ask my boss. I mean the dude's really nice anyway, just pray he approves and make your wish come true." he said.

"Okay. Thank you so much uncle! God I'm crossing my fingers right now." you told him.

"Yeah you definitely should. Okay gotta go. I'll just text you. Bye." he said.

"Okay bye Uncle!" you told him.

"God please hope he approves. I hope he's my fairy godfather." you prayed.

After 3 hours...

You received a message...

"he approves! He wants 2 play fairy godfather 2 u! Haha u lucky kiddo. He said dat after d concert go 2 d bckstge asap & go 2 d catering corner ok? Go 2 house ryt now. I'l give u d pass." your uncle said.



Okay it's time to prepare!

3:00 P.M...

"Wow! It's just only 3 pm and a lot of fans are already here. Gosh I think some of them camped out here." you thought to yourself.

You went to the gen.ad line then girls behind you tapped your shoulder.

"Hi! You're alone??" the girl in the thing 5 shirt asked.

"Yeah. Unfortunately none of my friends actually have the guts to like them. I know it sucks but I still love them. Haha" you told her.

"Damn that really sucks! Well by the way I'm Angie. This is Annika (with a hipsta please shirt). And this is Lory (the one with a perrie style outfit)." she said.

"Hello guys it's really nice to meet you. Sucks we're only gen ad right?" you told them.

"Yyyeah! I mean what the hell when I came online it was basically sold out! It's crazy!" Lory said.

"But it's okay, at least we're still gonna watched their concert right? We're gonna hear their voices oh my god! S E X!" Annika said.

"ANNIKA! you're such a perv! Haha anyways all of us have perverted thoughts here don't lie bitch." angie said.

"I totally agree with you. Haha!" you told her.

You guys talked throughout the waiting period and you thought to yourself, "this is the magic that the boys have. They make everyone friends. They bring directioners together. I'm not gonna cry puhlease."

At exactly 6pm, the arena were finally opened and they started getting everyone inside the place.

"Wwooooooooo! 1D! 1D! 1D! 1D!" everyone shouted. You felt goosebumps and you thought this is it! Finally after how many years of waiting. This is it. Y/N DON'T CRY YOU BITCH YOU'RE GONNA SEE THEM UP CLOSE LATER DON'T CRY.

The arena was completely packed by the time of 8pm. 30 minutes left!

Then the lights went down and the stage light up. Everybody screamed. Then the 5 boys appeared on stage singing One Thing.


As they started singing, you felt this tingling sensation and thought, "their voices... Oh my god i love them! Woooow!".

Everyone sang and screamed their lungs out. The concert went on. They performed songs from the the UAN and TMH album. But the memorable performance for you was when they sang Moments.

That's always been your favorite. You're addicted to every dramatic stories and the thought of a girl dying and a guy who loves her so much that he killed himself to be with the girl makes your heart melt.

You wonder if there would be a guy who will love you so much like that. Tears rolled down on your face. You immediately wiped them off.

"Gosh! I thought it was a cliche to cry at concerts and now I'm crying." you thought.

"Are you ok? Are you crying?!" Lory asked.

"I'm fine! And no I'm not! Haha" you defensively told her.

The concert ended Kiss You. Everybody screamed as the boys bid their goodbyes.

"Thank you very much for coming to our show! I love each and everyone of you guys!" Harry said.

"I can't express how thankful I am because without you guys, there's no One Direction. Thank you. I love you." Niall said.

"I love you guyssssss!!" Liam shouted.

"You're all beautiful and hope to see you all again. Soon." Zayn said.

"Once more! We're One Direction!" Louis said. Then they all bowed and poof they were gone.

"Magical. That's the word to describe this moment." you told to your new found friends.

"YES!" they all answered.

"Hey guys it's been wonderful to know you! Thank you. But I have to go. You know." you said. You already told them about the catering job and they were all happy for you.

"Oh god Y/N you are so lucky! Have fun ok? And say hello to guys from us!" Annika said.

"Haha ok I just hope I see all of them! Don't worry I'll ask for their autographs for you guys." you told them.

"Oh my god thank youuuuu! Now go! You can't be late!" Angie said as she hugged you. Annika and Lory hugged you too and bid their goodbyes.

You were on your way backstage and you showed your pass. You were nervous so much. You heart was beating abnormally.

You started running so you can go to the catering corner immediately. Then you bumped into someone. You fell on the ground and felt the pain.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! Are you ok? Shit you're not ok. Let me help you." the guy told you.

When you looked up, you were blinded by the lights so you couldn't see his face. But his voice sounded familiar.

"Is this heaven? Am I dead?" you thought to yourself.

"hahaha you're not dead. You're still alive." the guy said while laughing.

That laugh. Holy fuck. As the guy helped you stand up. Your theory was right. It was Niall Horan in front of you. Freaking Niall Horan. Holy shit.

You were dumbfounded. You stare at him like a psycho.

"Oh my god I think you have a concussion. Shit i'm gonna take you to the hospital" he said.

"What?! No! I'm perfectly fine. I'm okay hmm I need to go bye!" you told him then ran off.

"What the actual fuck did I just did? Why I ran off?!?! Shit shit shit shit I think I hit my head pretty bad! Shit ugh I lost my chance you crazy bitch! Why?!?" you blabbered to yourself.

Then your Uncle saw you and introduced you to his boss and you thought he's an angel. He's doing this for you but you ruin it.

"Ugh why did I ran off?' I swear I'm gonna kill myself later. I hate myself!" you thought in your head.

Then the crew started piling up, you recognized some of them . You were trembling so bad.

"Y/N put yourself together bitch." you told yourself.

"Whooa there's so many foods! Everything looks so yummy!" Niall said.

"Shit here he goes again. Y/N act normal. Don't faint. Don't stare like a psycho. Just don't" you mumbled.

"Heyy! You're the girl a while ago! So you work here? God I'm so sorry for bumping into you like that!" Niall said then he gave you his puppy look.

"Oh no I'm perfectly fine! Don't worry. Hmm so what do you want? All of the foods here are so delicious. Trust me." you told him.

"Hmm I trust you. I think I'm gonna have this and this and this..." he said.

"I trust you."

Those words marked something on you.

"Haha okay you want a lot!" you told him then put the foods into his plate.

"Here, enjoy your food!" you told him then gave his plate.

"Thanks, uhm see yah." Niall said while looking at you then smile.

You felt butterflies in your stomach as you both had an intense staring contest then Niall left.

Your Uncle approached you and he said, "hmm that was something".

"What do you mean Uncle?" you asked him.

"Let's just say I'm a man and I know how everything works out." he said.

That confused you. You thought maybe your Uncle was just messing around.

The time went on and you already met a lot of people especially the rest of the boys. You remember when Liam was being such a cutie cracking jokes on you. Then Harry, he was so tall and you felt like your neck hurts looking up to him. Then there's Louis, he's so nice and he asked if you enjoy the concert. Then Zayn, and you thought to yourself he's a greek god. He's so handsome.

There's one thing though they have in common when you met them, they all exactly said, "aah so you're the girl?"

You asked them what do they mean and they just said "uhm nothing. You're really pretty."

That made you really confused. What is happening?

Then you excused yourself to go to the comfort room. As you walked out the CR, you saw Niall. And there are the butterflies in your stomach again.

"Y/N what's happening to you?! Get yourself together." you mumbled to yourself. Then you saw him walking to your way.

"Uhm hi. I would like to ask one thing." he said to you looking so dead serious.

"O-ok." you answered him nervously.

"Do you hate me? I mean don't you like me?" he asked looking straight to your eyes.

"W-what? NO! I don't hate you. Why would you think that?" you shockingly blurted out to him.

"I don't know its just that you seem off whenever you see me. And I'm the only one you didn't asked for a picture." he said looking slightly nervous and embarrassed at the same time.

You were dumbfounded. He's right, you thought to yourself. You asked yourself, why you're always nervous whenever he's around.

"Uhm I actually don't know. I'm so sorry if you thought that way but I don't hate you. Definitely not." you said.

"Hmm okay, so can we take a pic now?" he asked then stiffled a laugh.

"Haha so the famous Niall Horan is asking for a pic? With me?? Haha hmm I think I'm gonna include this to my accomplishments. Definitely gonna write it down on my resume in the future." you told him.

"Haha you betcha." he told you.

Then you guys took a pic. He leaned so close to you. Your heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to burst.

On the second pic, he planted a kiss on your cheek.

"OH MY GOD." you thought to yourself.

When you look at each other, both of you are blushing.

"Uhm I need to go back." you told him then smile.

"Yeah, so did you enjoy the concert?" he asked. You got the hint that he wanted to talked.

"Yeah! Very. You guys did great. It's actually amazing. Even though I was just on the gen-ad crowd." you told him.

"What? You were just on the gen-ad? So you didn't see us up close while performing." he said.

"Yeah. But it was okay, I really had fun. And besides I met new friends." you told him.

"Hmm that's good. Oh just wait here, I'll be back!" he said then ran off.

Okay, what he's going to do?

Minutes later, he came back with a guitar and with the rest of the boys.

"Heyy you wouldn't mind if I steal Y/N for a minute?" Niall asked your boss.

"Huh? Where are we going?" you asked him.

"Secret." he answered then smirk.

"Okay, go ahead! Have fun!" the boss said then winked at you.

Wow, that boss is really something.

Your were so nervous when you guys walked out of the backstage. The boys brought you to the concert stage.

"Hey, have a seat and enjoy!" Niall said then he flashed a smile. That smile that melted you heart.

They sang Loved You First and One Thing. You felt like you were dreaming. They sang beautifully. You pinched yourself to know if it was real.

All throughout the performance, Niall has his eyes on you. You're looking at him too. Smiling with each other.

After they sang, Louis teased, "Well you're a very special girl. Hmm and someone's crushing on you."

Niall kicked Louis and everyone laughed.

You suddenly felt shy and looked on the ground.

"Oh my god. Wait what? Niall has a crush on me? That's way too impossible." you thought.

"Uh oh. Someone doesn't know she's beautiful when in fact she is." Harry said.

You looked up and smile.

"Well, how about we leave and let Niall make Y/N realized that she's beautiful. Huh?" Liam suggested.

"Oooooooohhhhh sweet." Zayn, Harry, and Louis teased.

Then the four boys left.

No one talked.

Tick tock.


Then finally," Hmm sorry about that. They're a bit crazy. For sure you already figured that out." Niall said.

"it's ok. They are really cool! Haha" you told him.

"Did you like it?" he asked about the surprised performance.

"Amazing. That's all I can say. Haha. Uhm thank you. You didn't have to do it you know. Meeting you guys is super enough." you said.

"Well I wanted it to be more special." he told you shyly.

You just looked at him. Taking all the words that he said. Telling yourself if this is all a weird dream.

"So after this, are you already going home? I mean, the night is still young. I don't wanna go to the after party. You know what? I met this girl and I wanna know her better." he said then smile. His expression is so hopeful.

"Holy shit. Is he asking me out? Holy cow." you said to yourself.

"Yeah. Who's that girl? you know, I met this guy and I think I'm gonna say yes to him. I think spending time with him will be all worth it. Even if my mom would kill me." you told him then laughed.

"Haha oh my don't worry we'll call your mom and I'm gonna ask for permission." he said looking excited.

You guys look at each other with nothing else to say. Feeling comfortable with the silence. You felt like he's getting closer. You're feeling breathless because of the little space between you and him.

Then someone coughed and said, "We're gonna clean up now."

You're both still not moving. Still looking intensely at each other.

"I think we should go. We don't wanna be kicked out by janitors here." Niall finally said then laugh.

"Oh? Don't you think they are already kicking us out? Haha let's go." you told him. And you both left the concert arena with a feeling that it's definitely not the last you're gonna see each other.  

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