Chap 9

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William Levy as Pope-------->


I kept ruffling the little piece of paper in my hands as I stared at the yellow envelope still unopened on the table where I last left it three or maybe four days ago. I kept tell myself I would opened it but every time I got close I would chicken out and walk away. Levi tried to get me to at least take a peek but I just couldn’t get the nerve so he left it alone. I glance down at the paper in my hands for what seemed like the thousandth time. I found it in my pants pocket the morning after the night I was at the Nightly Howl with Pope though it was all to blurry to remember.

Come see me when things start getting out of control and you want to know what you are, come back to the Nightly Howl but it must be before the full moon.


It didn’t give away much of anything but it had me curious as to what he would know about me? What he had to say and why before the full moon? Sighing I stuffed the paper back in my pocket and walked over to open the front door for Lakota as he raced out. I looked around the empty apartment since Levi was at work or maybe with Matt I didn’t know so I decided to explore. There wasn’t much to find in the small place but I noticed a door the other day and was curious as to what was in it. So I slowly made my way to the end of the hall, reached for the knob and opened it.

The room was dark so I felt along the wall till I touched the light switch with the tip of my fingers and my breath caught at what I saw. My wide eyes took in all it could as I stepped inside the little red room. The room was filled with canvases, some hung on the walls; some were piled up against one another on the wall. The room had filled with a powerful smell of paint and fabric. I moved further in to where a canvas sat on a wood stand in the middle of the room. The only think on the paper was a black tree in the upper corner like it was seen from far away but the rest of the canvas was colored in pale grays, ivory and light clay colored browns.

Frowning at it unable to figure out what it meant but it was a beautiful picture. I roamed around some more moving paintings to see more behind them. I noticed most of these paintings were of a darker nature. He used a lot of blacks, grays, whites and reds. One painting caught my eyes as I moved another piece out of the way, frowning I pulled this one out and held it in front of me.

It was a pair of gray eyes that took up the whole canvas mostly. They were emotionless, and hard; a sweep of gold raining over them lightly. A shiver ran down my back at the familiar feeling. Blinking, I softly placed it back onto the ground and stood straight making my way from the room, softly closing the door behind me just in time to hear Levi come in through the front door with Lakota trotting behind him. He glanced up at me when he made his way to his room and stopped.

“Oh hey” he smiled.

“Hey” he looked behind me at the door then back to me.

“What are you doing?” I shook my head.

“Nothing just roaming” I grinned. He nodded and opened his door,

“So I know I haven’t been around much lately so I wanted to invite you to dinner with the guys and me. You want to come?” his voice was drifting as he moved further in his room so I came to stand in the door frame watching him pull out clothes.

“Yeah that sound cool” I muttered, staring at him bend over as he untied his shoes. Lakota shook me out of my trance when he trotted past me and up on Levi’s bed making himself comfortable.

“No, get off” I ordered stepping in the room. I heard Levi laugh and shake his head.

“He’s fine” he said running his fingers in Lakota’s fur softly.

RunAway Wolf (BoyxBoy) {Book 3: Blue Moon Series}Where stories live. Discover now