» one: the invitation «

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Hugo's POV

"Hey, Hugo, you're invited to my sleepover on Saturday. You can come, right?"

Prince James of Enchancia handed me a green envelope and looked at me expectantly.

Although we started off as two spiteful flying derby, James and I grew to be great friends.

"Of course, man, wouldn't miss it!"

James sent me a toothy grin as he made his way over to his best friends, Prince Zandar and Princess Y/N.
Zandar is a great friend however, he can be an idiot sometimes. Then, there's Y/N, she is truly a wonderful friend. I'm proud to say that she's one of my closest.

I turned my attention over to what James handed me. I opened up the carefully sealed, mint green, envelope and pulled out the creme coloured invitation.

You are cordially invited to Prince James of Enchancia's Royal Sleepover

Prepare for a night of food, fun and more food

I'm really excited about the sleepover. The lads and I were going to have so much fun.

I could see Y/N and Zandar trough the window in the hallway. They were standing by their carriages with James, they had green envelopes in their hands and wide grins plastered on their faces.

The lads and I and Y/N were going to have so much fun.

Initially, James' friends -myself included- found it rather strange that a girl was attending his sleepovers. Not that we didn't like Y/N. I loved her.

Oh er I mean, we loved her.

As time went on, we realized that Y/N was practically an honorary prince. Her and James became friends before either of them could walk and had been attached at the hip ever since.

Essentially, that meant that where ever James went-so did Y/N and vice versa.

As I drowned in my rather deep ocean of random thoughts, I was pulled out by an overly high-pitched voice that I'd come to love.



"Hi Hugo!"

with her sister, Amber.

"Hello ladies".

"Are you going to James' sleepover?" asked Sofia with her usual grin but Amber seemed rather dull.

I smiled and nodded in response. I watched as Amber's expression morphed into one of irritation

"James invited Y/N, but he didn't invite any other girls! I just don't see why!" huffed Amber.

"Amber, we've been over this! Sorry Hugo, I've gotta go talk to her, see you at the palace tomorrow!" She waved goodbye and walked off with an emotional Amber.

Poor Sofia, always had to deal with an overemotional Amber. She was so optimistic, no matter happened. She was always able to find a solution to every problem. She was really a great girl to have around.

At that moment I realized that tomorrow was Saturday, the sleepover was tomorrow.
I proceeded to wrap up, before stepping out of the warm walls of Royal Prep. I pulled on my black coat and buttoned it up, I slipped on my gloves and wrapped a scarf around my neck.

As I walked out the doors of my school I heard Fairy Fauna, call out my name. I turned around to face her and responded.

"Yes miss?"

"I'm afraid I bare bad news, your brother, Prince Axel, has been in an accident. I'm terribly sorry dear"

I froze.

"W-what?" I asked trembling.

My brother could definitely push my buttons, but I loved him.

Fauna beckoned me inside.

"But no need to fret, let's discuss this in my office"

Author's POV

I wrote this when I was a hormonal preteen.

Although I am no longer so and this is still in progress, this is purely for comedic purposes.

Ok bye.

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