Isom And Problems

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Since Ryan asked me to move in with me, I gave AJ and Glen my place. Ryan was right, the place that he got was really cool and it was close to our workplaces. It was strategically placed near everywhere. The best part that it was mostly windows. Ever since I moved in with him, the visitation of the guys has been a lot more frequent. They think they could just barge in and flop down on the couch. I eventually got tired in trying to get rid of them. They can be stubborn sometimes. I think Ryan became exhausted with the guys. He just accepts the fact that they tend to poke your eye sometimes. He’d always say ‘They do this because they care about you. I’d do it too if I were them.’

            Ryan and I have both been busy lately. He was busy being a chief and handling the hospital and I was assigned to this project. I took it because my boss offered me a promotion, which isn’t bad. I’ve been staying up late for a few nights and just sketch shitloads of ideas but so far, none satisfied me. My mind works best at night. Anyways, our place is considered as a place to run to for the guys. They would sometimes show up just to hang out on the couch or they would drop their kids for me to keep an eye on. Yes, me, taking care of one year olds, a few month old baby, and Nate, who thankfully, is kind of a grown up compared to the rest.

            This one day, I was on my desk filled with little bits of erasers and a mug of coffee that has been refilled for about a hundred times. My iPod was on shuffle and I would have to get up to skip to the next song if a sad and depressing one comes up. This is basically my routine for these past few days. Until someone came knocking on my door. I paused to listen and weirdly, I can’t guess who that was. Have they found out that I have such a skill? I hope not. I trudged towards the door to open it and I did not expect this, “Hey, denim man. Why the long face?”

            “Is your boyfriend home?”


            He sighed and helped himself in stepping in. I watched him shuffle heavily towards the couch and plopped down lifelessly, “Sorry I came so suddenly.”

            “Like you always do.” I muttered under my breath. I then followed him in plopping down on the couch, “What’s wrong?”

            “Are you going anywhere tonight?”

            “I’m stopping by the hospital later today. Wanna come?”

            “For what?” He said wryly,

            I shrugged, “Bored, I guess. I’ve been kind of busy lately.”

            “What do you do there?”

            “There’s actually a lot. My personal favorite is having a light conversation with the kids in the pediatric department.”

            He groaned quietly, “Yea, I’ll come.”

            “Now, why the long grouchy face?”

            He slouched and sunk deeper into the couch, “Codi and I kind of got into an argument earlier today.”

            “About what?”

            “I don’t know! Was it something that I said?”

            “Calm down, calm down. It’s not the end of the world yet. Maybe she’s just in a bad mood.”

            He scowled, “She’s always in a bad mood recently.”

The Foster Kid (Part 7) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang