A Day At The Park

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I have been hunched over my desk for days. I have been dragging lines and erasing them and dragging them again and erasing them again. Ryan had to drag me to bed a few times because I tend to not sleep at all sometimes. He’d turn the lamp off and drag my chair towards the bedroom. I’d hop off the chair, but he knows what to do. He’d always say ‘you won’t get a promotion when you get sick’. So that’s basically my almost-everyday routine with him. He’s been spending most of the days in the hospital. I like how my job would just be showing up in the office when you’re done with a project.

            Having an awesome job also brings a disadvantage. Since the guys know how I do my job, my place instantly becomes a daycare center. I’m still generous enough to accept all of them with open arms, though. This has been going for at least three days in a row. Luckily, Nate’s old enough to help me out. I’d collect the babies and gather them in the middle of the living room and I’ll plop back down on my chair and get back to my work. I honestly don’t mind the noise, considering that their fathers make a lot of noises too. I’d keep Daisy away from them and lay her right next to me in that baby carriage thing. At least one of them is old enough to go feed himself and use the bathroom on his own.

            This one particular day, Chris and Jane were not in my house yet. I was slightly praying that they don’t need to be dropped off for the day. I was kind of relieved that I only had to keep an eye on Austin, Daisy, and Nate. I don’t even know what kept their parents so busy that they had to be dropped off at my place. I mean, can’t they see that I have other things to do too? Nate was happily munching on some snacks with Austin next to him while they watch the television. Thankfully, Daisy was peacefully asleep and the boys weren’t making too many noises. Then there was a knock on the door, “Nate, would you get that for me, please?” I asked, without even having to lift my head up.

            “Okay!” He stood up and skipped towards the door. I heard him opened the door and got something I expected but dread, “Hi, Uncle Pontius!”

            NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I dramatically cried in my head while imagining myself on my knees and my hands up in the air,

            “Hey, sport!” I heard Pontius, “Ally?”

            “In here.” I answered halfheartedly, munching on the tip of my pencil.

            “Is Ryan here?”

            “No, he’s at work.”

            “Stop chewing that poor thing.”

            “Stop chewing that poor thing.” I mimicked in mockery, “Sorry. Drop your babies and don’t forget to pick them up later.”

            He laughed, “I’m doing something different today.”

            “What? You want me to babysit you too?” I responded rhetorically,

            He clicked his tongue, “Jeez, lighten up already.”

            I sighed and finally lifted my head up, “Look, I’ve just been really busy lately.” Pontius was holding Chris on one hand and Jane on the other. Trust me, they look totally adorable.

            He nodded, “I know, kiddo.”

            “And you have twins, so you should contribute in this more. The double the trouble.”

            “That’s what I’m doing today.” He had this innocent smile, “I’m helping you out for the day.”

            I reflexively smiled, “About time, pops.”

The Foster Kid (Part 7) (A Foster The People Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora