Drama at the Supermarket

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And suddenly the day I'm dreading is here... I have to take the boys out. With Niall getting sick and all the short stay in LA has turned out to be much longer.

The boys have eaten almost everything in the house. We're out of cereal, vegimite (which they love), popcorn, the list goes on. Basically in a house with four teenage boys, you name it we're out of it.

I don't mind taking the boys out. It's just a hassle. Plus one extra issue.

Luke has been in and out of his headspace for a week now. That's the last thing the media needs to catch on camera. Besides the "bad publicity" for the band, Luke would be completely mortified.

I debate leaving him at home with Cal and Mikey, but I know better than to do that. The last thing I need is for the other boys to slip too, and come home to who knows what.

"Come on, baby." I say, gently shaking Luke's shoulder. He's the only one not up. "Get up. We've got to go to the store okay?"

"Okay." He mumbles and sit up. His blue eyes are still heavy with sleep as I get him dressed, and downstairs for breakfast. Ash, Cal and Mike are sitting at the table eating various things out of the fridge. I laugh at the assortment of food laid out. Everything form cold pizza to the Chinese we ordered last night.

Luke sits down in his usual seat and looks at me. I know immediately what he's asking.

"Okay." I say and walk over to the cabinet. I open the doors and pull the box of Lucky Charms off the top shelf. Luke loves the little marshmallows in the cereal. Then I grab his favorite cereal bowl and a spoon.

I set the cereal in front of him. He smiles at me and starts to eat.

When the boys are finished, we pile into the car and head to the supermarket.

It takes about ten minutes to get to the store. I turn the car off and we get out of the car. I open the door to the backseat and unbuckle Luke's seat-belt. He reaches for my hand and I take hold of his. I take a deep breath and begin to walk towards the store.

We can do this. It's only a couple things. We'll be in and out just like that. Surely Luke's demeanor won't be that obvious.

The paparazzi crowd us as we leave the store. The other boys push their way through without much of a problem, but Luke grips my hand tightly and stays close behind me at we push through the sea of paparazzi.

They're all taking pictures. Tons of pictures. Flashes are going off like crazy and it's just making an already fragile headspace Luke even more afraid.

One paparazzi in particular gets right in his face and takes a picture. Luke jerks back, letting go of my hand involuntarily.

Then he does freak. He looks around in bewilderment as the paparazzi edge closer, the flashing still going. His bottom lip starts to quiver and tears form in his big blue eyes.

"Mommy, make it stop!" He yells in distress. "Please! Make it stop!"

I shove my way through the wall of paparazzi and grab Luke's hands tightly. Making sure he knows I'm there.

Another pap snaps a picture of us.

"Cecilia, Cecelia look here!" He shouts. "Let's get a picture of you two!"

Behind me Luke only cries harder. He's terrified, his grip on my hand tightening with ever passing second.

"Alright you need to back off." I say calmly.

When the guy still doesn't move my usually calm and composed demeanor cracks.

"I said leave him alone!" I practically shout. "Dammit don't you people have something better to do? Just fuck off!"

Shocked at my words, the crowd stills. I shove past them and pull Luke towards the car.

I've just given them all a great story to write, but at the moment I could care less.

I get him into the backseat and toss Ashton the keys before crawling in beside him.

Luke moves to sit on my lap, his long legs draped over my right thigh. He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his blonde head in my shoulder, crying quietly.

I wrap my arms around his thin, shaking frame and speak softly to him.

"It's okay baby." I croon, rubbing circles in his back. "It's over now. You're safe. We're going home now okay?"

Luke nods slowly and closes his eyes. He's practically asleep by the time we get back to the house.

Ash offers to carry Luke in so that I don't have to wake him up. Ashton is definitely the most mature out of the group. I'm thankful he's here because he's the only one who doesn't seem to have a headspace. Cal and Mickey usually aren't that bad, but preschool age kids get really loud sometimes.

Luke has the youngest headspace. It ranges from a baby on bad days to a toddler on good ones.

Ash lays him on the couch and follows me into the kitchen.

"I knew that was a bad idea." I say rubbing my pounding head.

"Well we know not to try it next time." Ash says.

"Seriously." I say with a small laugh. "Hey is Luke still asleep?"

"Yeah. I laid him on the couch."

"Okay. It's almost time for his boodle."

"Yeah I think Cal and Mike are ready for lunch too. I know I am."

"Do you mind making y'all something for lunch?" I say. I hate to ask him to but Luke needs me right now.

"No not at all." Ash smiles. "I was thinking about a grilled cheese."

"That sounds great." I say. Luke's boodle is almost ready. I shake it up and make sure it's not too hot before I take it to him.

He's asleep on the couch in the living room, curled into a little blond ball with his thumb in his mouth. I sit beside him and shake his shoulder gently.

"Lukey." I whisper. "Lukey, wake up. I've got your boodle."

Luke stirs on the couch before slowly opening his big blue eyes. He crawls onto my lap and lays down again with his head resting against my chest.

I press the boodle to his lips and he takes it. Luke closes his eyes as he slowly drinks the boodle dry. He gives a quiet whimper when I remove the empty boodle from his lips. It stops when the boodle is replaced with his light blue pacifier.

He rests his head back on my chest and tries to go back to sleep. Reluctantly, I shake his shoulder again.

"Don't go back to sleep yet, baby." I say softly. "Let's get you ready for bed and then you can go to sleep. Okay?"

Luke nods sleepily before sitting up. I stand up off the couch. Luke gives me grabby hands.

"Lukey, I can't pick you up." I say as gently as I can. "You know that."

Luke's face falls, but he nods. Then he holds out a hand. I take it and lead him towards his bedroom.

He sits on his bed while I pick out a pair of soft pajamas for him to wear to bed. I settle on soft blue onesie. Luke smiles when he sees the one I picked, it's one of his favorites.

I peel his shirt off of him and then his jeans.

"Do you have to potty before bed?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "Okay." I nod.

We change the pull-up he's wearing for a new one, and then I help him into the pajamas. The old pull-up is damp but not bad. He's been doing really good lately.

He lays back on his bed. I stand up, but Luke grabs my arm frantically.

"What is it, Lukey?" I say. "I've got to go help Ash with lunch."

"I... Can you get Pengie?" He asks. I nod and walk over to the toy chest at the foot of his bed.

Modern may not approve of this, but they seem to have excepted the inevitable. They don't really care as long as the fans don't know.

I open the chest and pull the stuffed penguin out of the top. Pengie is Luke's favorite toy. He can't sleep without it.

I walk back over to his bed and hand it to him.

"There you go, Lukey." I smile. "Now go to sleep. Okay?"

Luke nods, but when I go to leave he grabs my hand again.

"Lukey, I have to go help Ash." I say rather exasperatingly.

Tears well in his big blue eyes and his bottom lip quivers.

"Don't go, mommy." He sobs. "I... I'm scared."

"Hey, hey, it's okay." I say sitting beside him again. "It's okay."

He clings to me immediately. His blond hair tickles as he hides his face in the crook of my neck.

I wrap my arms around him and run my hands up and down his back in a soothing motion.

"Shhh. It's okay, baby." I croon. "There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm here. It's okay."

I finally get him laid back down (but he doesn't let go of my hand). I push the hair out of his eyes and kiss his forehead.

"I'll stay until you fall asleep. Okay?" I say. Luke nods. "That's a good boy."

"Can you tell Winkin Blinkin and Nod?" He asks. "Please?"

I smile. That's his favorite story. Mom used to tell it to me when I had bad dreams as a kid. So one night when Luke had a nightmare I told it to him. He's loved it ever since.

"Sure, baby." I say and start the story.

Before I'm even half way through, Luke is fast asleep. I lean down, brush the soft blonde hair out of his eyes, and press a kiss to his forehead. Then I go help Ash with lunch.  

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