Cali's Sick (pt 4)

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Ashton wakes up the next morning to the smell of coffee.

He yawns and stretches his arms over his head. Luke still sleeps soundly next to him. He's extra careful not to wake the small blonde, who is suckling softly on the pink dummy in his mouth, as he gets up out of the bed and makes his way to the kitchen.

He finds Cece in the kitchen with a pan in her hand and her hair pulled messily into a bun. He walks up behind her, wraps his arms around her waist and rests his chin on her shoulder.

"Morning babe." He hums.

"Morning Ash." She smiles back. "Breakfast is almost finished."

"Thank God. I'm starving." Ash says as he lets go and walks over to pour himself a cup of coffee.

Cece only hums in response. When Ashton's poured a cup of coffee, he walks back over and starts to flip the bacon Cece's put on the skillet to cook.

"So what happened with Luke yesterday?" He asks cautiously.

Cece lets out a sigh before speaking.

"I snapped at him when he woke Calum up." She says guilty. "I shouldn't have. All he wanted was for me to come play with him."

Ash just nods as he finished with the bacon.

"I'm such a bad mom." Cece says and Ash turns to face her.

"Who said you were a bad mom?"

"I did." She says looking up. "One of the boys is always upset and it's always my fault."

"No it's not." Ash says. "You can't take care of everyone."

"But..." Her words are cut off my a call from upstairs.

"Daddy!" It's Luke's voice.

Cece's face falls and she lets out a weak sigh. Usually he'd be calling for her. Ash puts a hand on her shoulder and she places hers over his just as he kisses her cheek.

"Go get him. Yeah?" He says softly.

"He doesn't want me." She says.

"Trust me." Ash says. "He does."

"Okay." She sighs and starts to walk towards the stairs. Turning around when she gets to the bottom, only for Ash to shoo her up them with a playful smile.

She shakes her head and smiles back. Ashton never fails to brighten her mood.

She climbs the stairs and makes it all the way to her and Ashton's bedroom before she hesitates. She takes a deep breathe and slowly opens the door.

Luke's sitting up in the bed when she opens the door. His big blue eyes look up at her as she enters.

"Hey baby." She gives him a light smile.

He drops his eyes again as she walks over and takes a seat on the side of the bed. He starts to play with his hands that rest in his lap.

"Lukey?" She reaches out to brush the hair out of his eyes and he turns his head. She sighs. "Baby I'm sorry about yesterday. Cali did need me, but I'm sorry I snapped at you. I shouldn't have." She pauses and gives another light sigh. "I was just so tired and I wasn't thinking. That doesn't make it okay, but mommy's make mistakes sometimes too. I'm so sorry baby. I really am."

Luke doesn't move, but Cece notices his slim shoulders start to shake.

"Lukey?" She says softly. "Baby please look at me."

He turns his head then, tears fill his eyes and are running down his cheeks.

"Mommy." He whimpers and then reaches for her. And Cece pulls him into her arms.

"Hey." She croons. "Don't cry sweetheart. What's got you so upset?"

Luke wraps his arms around her neck and hides his face. "Lub you mommy." He cries.

"I love you too baby boy." She says as she kisses the top of his head. "Don't cry. It's okay. I love you so so much."

She stands up then and starts to walk around the room, still rubbing Luke's back and shushing him softly.

"What about we go get breakfast. Yeah?" She asks when he calms down.

Luke nods, his head still on her shoulder. "Mommy can you get Pengi?" He asks quietly.

"Of course I can sweetheart." She smiles as she walks over and picks the stuffed toy up.

"Dummy too?"

Cece just nods and holds the pink pacifier up to him. It bobs in his mouth as she carries him downstairs for breakfast, his arms still around her neck and his head on her shoulder as he starts to nod off again.


So I'm not dead.

I'm so sorry this was complete shit and it's so short. But it's cute and that's what I live for so... But anyway, I promise I'll try to update again soon and that the newer stuff will be better than this.

- Bea xx

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