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I'm woken up to the obnoxious beeping of the alarm clock in my and Ash's room. I groan and reach over to turn it off.

"Ash." I say and shake his shoulder sleepily. "Babe get up. We've got a plane to catch."

"Alright." He yawns. "Alright. I'm up."

We both head to the bathroom. I showered last night so I do my makeup and hair while Ash takes his. I decide to do two French braids. They'll be comfortable on the plane and won't look too bad when we get off in the UK.

The Europe TMH tour starts tomorrow, but we're all flying out today so we have time to get settled before the boys have to preform. It's a long flight, but Modern is paying for a private jet for us all to take.

It doesn't take Ash long to shower, and by the time he's done I've almost finished with my hair.

"Babe where's the hair drier?" He asks when he looks under the sink and doesn't find it.

"Oh." I say. "It's in my blue bag on the bed. Make sure you pack it back when you're done please."

"I will." He says.

He goes to find it and I take that as my opportunity to get dressed. I have a pair of leggings and an oversized maroon colored PINK T-shirt. It's simple but -once again- I won't look like a complete mess after an eleven hour flight.

After I'm ready, I go to wake up the boys.

I open Calum's door first. He's by far the easiest to wake up. I walk over to his bed and sit on the edge of it, rubbing his back and speaking softly.

"Cali... Wake up bub." I croon and it's not long before sleepy, big brown eyes are gazing up at me. "Morning sweetheart." I smile.

"Morning mommy." He says sleepily and sits up. He rubs at his eyes and then looks at me again. "Why're we up so early?" He asks.

"We're flying today." I say. Calum's been excited for the plane ride.

"Yay!" He says and claps his hands together.

I smile back at him. "Let's get you ready to go. Yeah?"

We get him dressed in grey sweats and a soft black T-shirt. He doesn't want to fix his hair and asks for me to get his beanie with the pom-pom on top.

Once he's completely ready I send him to go see if Ashton's ready while I head to Michael's room.

I repeat the same thing as with Calum and after the third or fourth try I finally get a response. Even if it is only him pulling the covers over his head.

"No. Come on kitten." I laugh. "We've got to get you ready."

" 'm sleepy." He mutters from under the covers.

"Come on Mikey. You can sleep on the plane." I say. "Right now you've gotta get up."

"Alright." He huffs slightly and starts to sit up.

"Thank you kitten." I say with a smile. Michael gives me a tired smile back.

After a few minutes he's wearing black sweats with his favorite Metallica T-shirt. I run a brush through his hair and then tell him to go to my room with Calum.

Then I walk across the hall to Luke's room. I push the door open slowly and step inside. I don't turn on the light as I tip-toe over to his bed, sit down and run my hand through his blonde hair.

"Wake up baby." I say softly. "Come on Lukey. It's almost time to leave."

I think he's still asleep, until he lets out a tired whimper. Then he slowly pushes himself up on his hands and knees and crawls into my lap. He lays his head against my chest.

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