High Fevers

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I'm startled out of sleep by choked sobs.

I roll over and check the time. It's 3:00 in the morning. I hear the sound again. It's coming from the monitor to Luke's room.

I groan. I know that sound. He's sick.

I roll out of the bed and feel my way to the door. I'm careful not to wake Ash up.

I crack open the door to Luke's room and stick my head in.

"Lukey?" I say. "Baby are you okay?"

The sound stops suddenly.

"Mommy?" I hear him say weakly.

I open the door and walk into the room. Luke sits up in his bed. The covers are thrown off the bed and Luke sits in the middle of it. The front of his shirt is stained with what I clearly recognize as puke.

"Oh baby." I say gently. "You're a mess."

The tears start again. Rolling down his cheeks and falling to the bed.

"I'm s...sorry mommy." He cries. "I tried n...not to. I didn't mean to h...honest"

"Hey. Hey. Shh. It's okay Lukey." I say as I walk over to him. "I know you didn't mean to. You're sick baby boy. You couldn't help it. It's okay."

I put a hand on his head. His forehead is burning hot. But I'll have to deal with that in a second.

"Come on baby." I say softly. "Let's get you cleaned up."

I help him stand up and then pull off his shirt. Tossing it to the floor. His skin is burning up, but he's shaking like he's freezing cold.

I turn around to get him some clean clothes out of his dresser. He's going to need a shower.

"Mommy." He says in a panicked voice. I spin around just in time to see him gag.

"No no no." I say. "Bathroom go. Hold it for just a second baby. Come on. You can make it."

I'm pulling him into the bathroom attached to his room. He makes it, but barely. He's kneeling in front of the toilet, throwing up everything in his stomach. He looks absolutely pitiful.

I lean against the counter. I've never had the strongest stomach, but I have to hold it in. I take a deep breath as Luke sits back. I run some warm water over a wash cloth and wring out the excess liquid.

I walk over to him and bend down to wipe his mouth with the cloth. Then I sit down next to him and pull him onto my lap. The bare skin of his back and shoulders is burning hot against me.

He's crying again and he's shaking. Hot tears soak the front of my shirt as he sobs into my chest. Poor little Lukey. He must feel terrible.

Then he leans forward and gags again. I rub gently circles in his back as he does. This time when he pukes the only thing that comes up is a sickly colored bile. His stomach is completely empty.

When he sits back he's crying and hiccuping even harder. On top of everything else his throat's burning now too. I wipe his mouth with the cloth again and pull him back into me.

"Shhh." I croon. "Shhh. Its okay baby." I start to hum softly to him. Trying my best to calm him down.

When I'm sure he's done throwing up, I kiss the top of his head gently and shift him off of my lap. I get up to find the thermometer in the medicine cabinet.

It doesn't take long to find. I'm back with it in a few seconds. I run the thermometer across his forehead slowly. Then wait on it to process.

It reads 102.3*F.

That's not good at all. Looks like the boys are going to have to do the interview without Luke tomorrow.

"Let's get you washed up." I say gently as I walk over to the bathtub and turn the faucet on.

I make sure the water's the right temperature, but I try to get it a little cooler than usual so that it will help with his fever. Then I pour some suds into the water. Lukey loves to play with the bubbles in the bathtub.

I help him get undressed and then help him into the tub. He looks up at me weakly. His blue eyes are glassy and his pale skin is still flushed from his fever.

"What is it baby?" I ask.

"I threw up on Pengie mommy." He says quietly. As if he doesn't want me to hear him.

"That's okay baby." I say brushing back his blonde hair. I smile to reassure him. "I'll just have to give Pengie a bath too."

He smiles back at me weakly. "Thank you mommy." He says.

I kiss the top of his head.

"You're welcome baby."

I wash Luke up and leave him to play in the soapy water while I go get Pengie. I put him in the washer and go change the sheets on Luke's bed. I put Pengie in the dryer before I go back to the bathroom.

"You about ready to get out now baby?" I ask him.

He nods slowly.

I grab a big fluffy towel out of the closet and wrap it around him as he gets out of the tub. He's shivering.

I get him back into his room and sit him on the bed while I find him something to wear. I pull out a too-big soft white T-shirt and his ninja turtles boxers.

I help him get dressed. I pull the thin sheet back on his bed and get him laid down. I get Pengie out of the drier and give it to Luke. Then I tuck him into bed.

" 'm cold mommy." He says shivering.

"Do you want another blanket?" I ask. He's burning up with fever but he nods before shivering again.

"Yes please."

I stand up and go get a blanket out of the hall closet. I come back with a big fuzzy blue one. I throw it over Luke and he pulls it up around him.

"Better?" I ask.

"A little bit." He says softly. He shivers again and I know it didn't help at all.

I sigh and walk over to the bed.

"Scoot over baby." I say gently.

He does and I slip under the covers beside him. He snuggles into me, feeling my body heat. His skin is hot against mine but I know he doesn't realize that. He's shaking beside me from the cold.

I put an arm around his thin, trembling frame and pull him closer to me. Then I kiss the top of his head gently.

"Goodnight Lukey." I say softly.

"Goodnight mommy." He whispers.  

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