It's Christmas!

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"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up!"

Michael and Calum are jumping on our bed squealing.

"Boys." I groan. "Calm down. I'm awake." I sit up and suddenly Michael's right in my face.

"It's Christmas!" He squeals.

"I know kitten." I say with a smile and then a yawn. "Where's Lukey at?"

"He's still sleeping." Calum says. "Lukey's no fun."

I laugh. Ashton sits up beside me. He rubs his eyes with the heals of his hands and then stretches them over his head with a groan.

"What are you boys doing up so early?" He yawns.

"It's Christmas daddy!" Calum says excitedly.

Ash smiles. "It is isn't it?" He asks. The boys nod. "Well go on downstairs." He says. "Me and mommy will be down in a second."

"Okay." They say in unison and then they're off our bed and bounding happily down the stairs.

"I'll get Luke up." I yawn. "Will you go make sure those two don't destroy anything or hurt themselves?"

"Sure babe." He says. He leans over and kisses my cheek before getting out of bed and heading downstairs.

I crawl out of bed and make my way to Luke's room. He's fast asleep.

"Lukey." I say softly as I sit on the edge of his bed and run a hand through his hair gently. "Wake up sweet boy. It's Christmas."

Michael comes running into the room.

"Wake up Lukey!" He shouts far too loudly.

It startles Luke out of his sleep. He jerks up with a start. His bottom lip quivers and big tears start to run down his pink cheeks. He rubs at them with little fists.

"Shh. Mikey go downstairs with daddy." I say.

"Huh." He groans. But he does as he's told. "Okay mommy."

When he's gone I turn back to Luke. He sits up all the way and crawls onto my lap. Resting his head on my shoulder.

"Hey baby." I say softly. I rub my hand up and down his back slowly. "I'm sorry Mikey woke you up like that."

He sniffles. " 's okay." He says.

"You wanna go downstairs?" I ask. "It's Christmas baby. Lets go open some presents. Yeah?"

He nods. "Okay mommy."

I make sure to change his nappy and then we go downstairs. Luke's hand tightly grasping mine.

"Good morning pup." Ash greats us with a smile. Luke gives him a small smile back.

"Morning daddy." He says softly.

We sit in the living room where the Christmas tree is. Ash has made the boys hot chocolate. He hands Luke a sippy cup full of it and he takes it with a smile.

I sit down next to Ash on the couch and Luke sits beside me and lays his head in my lap. I smile and run a hand through his soft blonde hair. Luke has never been a morning person.

"Can we open presents now daddy?" Cal asks. "Mommy and Lukey are down here now."

"Alright bub." He says with a smile. He points under the tree. "I think that's one for you right there."

Cal looks to where he's pointing and gasps.

"A new soccer ball!" He squeals.


Thirty minutes later the living room is trashed and me and ash are laid back on the couch. Michael and Calum have run off to their rooms. Luke -who is asleep again- is laying in my lap. I run a hand absentmindedly through his hair. As I sigh and look up at Ash.

"We did good. Don't you think?" I ask.

"I think we did." He says. "They all looked really happy with everything they got."

"I thought so too."

Ash lays his head back to rest on the back of the couch. "Merry Christmas, babe." He says with a yawn.

I laugh. "Merry Christmas, Ash."

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