Throwing Legos

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For: benedictsnosecrinkle

Love all my lovelies. Hope you like it :)

-Bea xx


I'm sitting on the couch in the living room. A movie is playing lowly on the Tv.

Ashton and Luke are off writing. It was so hard to get Luke out if his headspace this morning. Somehow we managed it, but I left him in his nappy, just in case.

Calum and Michael had been playing Legos, but now Michael's the only one playing and Calum's throwing them.

"Cal stop that." I say as a red block lands at my feet.

That's the third time. I'm getting frustrated at this point.

"Calum I said stop." I say more sternly.

He looks up and right at me, another block already raised over his head as I speak.

"Don't you dare throw that young man." I say.

The block goes sailing throw the air and I'm ready to scream.

"Calum! You were told to stop."

The sound of Ashton's voice makes Calum jump. He's standing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest.

Luke's standing behind him. I can tell he's back in his headspace by the startled look on his face.

"If you throw one more block you're getting a spanking." Ash threatens.

I think Calum's done then, but suddenly there's another block flying across the room. This one hits Michael right in the head.

Michael puts his hand to his head and I see his bright green eyes water. I go over to him and scoop him up into my arms.

"Shh. It's alright Mikey." I say softly as I kiss his head. "All better. See?"

Michael nods and lays his head on my shoulder, sniffling slightly.

"Calum Thomas!" Ashton walks over and yanks Calum up off the floor.

"No!" Calum yells. "Daddy stop it!"

Luke's running over to me then and hiding behind me. I feel him grip the hem of my T-shirt tightly in his hands. He's scared.

"I warned you Cal." Ashton says. "Now you're going to get a spanking for disobeying."

"No!" Calum screams. "I don't want one."

Ashton picks him up then and takes him out of the room.

I sigh and sit down on the couch with Michael on my lap. Luke sits beside me and hides his face in my shoulder, holding onto my arm tightly.

I put my arm around him and try to sooth him. I know how he feels; I hate this too. I know what Ash says about the boys having to learn to listen, but I still don't like this, not at all.

I sigh again and try to get the boys calmed down. Well... Luke, Michael's practically fallen asleep.

"How'd writing go baby?" I ask him.

"Good." He says in a small voice. His eyes are still glued to the doorway.

"Did you have fun?" I ask and all I get back is a nod. But then suddenly big blue eyes meet me gaze.

"Is Cali okay?" He asks very seriously.

"Yes baby. He's okay." I say back.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure sweetheart. He just got in trouble for throwing his Legos." I say.

"Okay." Luke says lowly.

It's not long before Ash is carrying Calum back into the room. The younger still sniffling and clutching onto Ash's shirt.

"I'm sorry I hit your head Mikey." He says. "It was an accident. Promise."

"It's alright Cali. I forgive you." Michael smiles at him.

Calum smiles back before continuing.

"And I'm sorry for not listening mommy. I should have."

"It's okay bub." I say and smile at him. "I'll always love you."

"Love you too." He smiles even bigger.

After that Ash smiles too and kisses his temple before sitting down beside he.

We decide to restart the movie that had been playing, and this time we actually watch it. Well... Me and Ash do. The rest of the boys are soon asleep. 

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