Freshman Year

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''Lexi Lynn James, get your butt down here right now or you''l be late for your first day of freshmen year''. I finished straightening my hair and hurried down stairs to meet my mom out at the car skipping breakfast. I was nervous. I would be going to Westside high school and this was a chance for me to start fresh. And i thought i looked pretty good today, well as good as i was going to ever look. I have straight down blonde hair, braces, zits all over my face and was only about 5 foot tall. Not to point out of anything, but there all i can used to describe me. My only good quality about me were my bright blue eyes, but they were hidden behind the screens of my glasses. I wasn't the prettiest, but it's ok. I was used to being called fat and ugly.

On my way to school i stared out the window, thinking. High school is gonna be different.

When i actually got in school everything looked do amazing. There were lots of trophies and hallways jampacked with people ive never seen before. I made my way to my locker, ignoring the looks i got from the girls that where tall, skinny, and beautiful. They sure made me feel better about myself. (NOTE THE SARCASM). I only had one friend, her name was Jade Minkus. She wasn't really popular either and we eventually became really close friends. She was my best friend, actually, my only friend.

Threw out that whole year i was always being shamed for not being perfect. So i had new enemies. Mainly this group of boys made up of Shawn, Nash, Aaron, Jack G, Jack J, Carter, Taylor, Matt, and worst of all, Cameron. They were all pretty popular, of course, because they were smokin'. Like they came into the room and set off the fire alarm smokin'. And me, being the most unpopular person in the entire school, i was always the one they picked on. They did worse than call me cruel names. They would punch me, slap me, cut me, while the teachers turned their backs and claimed not to of seen anything. And i couldn't take it anymore. Me and my mom packed. Up our bags and moved across town. At my new school, things got better, but i still got bullied. So it was time for a change.

I started losing weight, i was still short but i grew a little and eventually after a year or so I had the perfect body. I also got my braces off and started curling my hair and wearing less. And even got contacts, to make my eyes... Pop. My acne eventually went away, and by the beginning of senior, i looked amazing in anything or any situation. Suddenly i had friends, i was getting invited to all the parties. I was never made fun of and all the guys payed attention. I even managed to get 1 or 2 boyfriends a while ago. My life was perfect.

It's now the middle of my senior year.

''Bye Samantha'', Samantha blew me a kiss then drove off. ''Mom i'm home..'' my mom basically ran down the stairs really excited, leaping onto the couch. '' i got a new job today that pays triple the amount im getting paid now.. I start in a week.. So get your stuff packed cause we're moving back into our old house!'' We both stood up screaming and yelling, but my smile quickly faded as i figured out what going to happen. I was going to have to go to a different school. With new friends and everything, I'd have to start all over, again. But worst of all, I would have to go to school with those boys again. The same ones that beat me up constantly, calling me a whore, a bitch, etc. ''Mom i can't do this i don't want to go back to that school anymore please..'' My mom just looked at me. ''Lexi, i'm sorry but i already finalized the plans and transferred you schools. By the way, you aren't going to school this week. And if your worried about those boys, there's no need to worry, now go start packing we're gonna make a quick trip over to the knew house with just some little things'' I stared at my mom in disbelief. I ran up the stairs and slammed my door shut. She knew how much pain i went threw after i left that school. I gained trust issues scared of anybodies tough. I went to months of therapy and i stressed everyday just to make myself perfect because they showed me it wasn't ok to be flawed.

Maybe this time will be different, things change, people change.. Right?

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