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Lexi's POV
"Lexi! Wake up! Please!" i was being woken my my mother at my bedside. She was crying and was trying to skate my arm. I woke up in panic.
"Mom, you good?"
"Oh sweety. You were shaking really bad and screaming. Is there anything you want yo tell me?" i glaced over at my alarm clock. 6:48 am. Great, I should just stay up. I shook my head throwing my covers off. My mom nodded in disappointment sorta and walked out of my room without saying anything.
I went into my bathroom running a hot shower. I slowly slipped my cloths off as I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw the same grey bags under my eyes as i did last night. My hair was thin and my ribs showed through my skin.
Cameron didn't feed me much.
I looked down at the bruises covering my body, just as I did last night. But this time i didn't feel pain. Instead i felt anger.
I was angry that i gave up everything. My friends my family, Jack. Everything that was most important to me. I gave it all up for him and i turned out just to be his only option when no one else would come home with him knowing i was there. Bawled up in a corner crying. Hoping he didnt hear. I gave up everything.

*********************after shower***

I ran downstairs trying to figure out what i was going to do today. I could look for a job. I graduated from online collage not too long ago.
I walked upstairs picking through my close. I got out a black pencil skirt and a light blue button up shirt with short sleeves. I got dressed the walked over to my mirror putting my hair up in one of those fancy buns smart people wear, leaving some loose strands out.
I actually looked smart.
By the time I was done it was 9:06. I scrolled through my phone. Luckily I found a job as an office assistant downtown. Here goes nothing.

I took a taxi across the town and ended up at a huge glass building in the center of town.
"Collins Co. " i read out loud. I smiled and walked into the building, greeted by a redheaded woman. She was tall, slim and honestly very beautiful. She smiled widely.
"Hello. Im am Clair".
"Hi. Im Lexi James, here for the assistant position".
"Oh yes!" Clair walked back to her desk. She typed some things then stood back up.
"This way". I smiled as she led me to an elevator.
When we got in the elevator, she pressed the biggest button on the panel.
Moments later, the elevator opened to a larger white room with huge glass windows and doors. My mouth hung open.
"Sweety close your mouth before you catch flies. Sit here ill be back i in a while".
I took a seat in front of a desk while Clair walked out of the room. The elevator clicked and out walked a tall, slim man. He had piercing green eyes and a muscular memorizing face. He was beautiful.
He took a seat across from me, just staring at me like a creep.
"So, whats your name?" his voice was soft and gentle.
"Lexi James".
"Ahh" he stood up and walk toward me. Inching closer and closer.
"Im Christian. Christian Collins. I am the owner of this company. I am 20 years old. I know. Young. I just took over a family business. Tell me about yourself". I gulped as he on the edge of his desk, staring at me.
"Uh. Well im 19 years old and Omaha is my hometown and i..." i drifted of realizing he wasnt even listening, just smiling.
"You got the job". I studied his face trying to find out if he was joking.
"Yea. Totally. Now i have to go. But i expect to see you here tomorrow at 8 am sharp. Dont be late". And with that he walked out.
As he left the room i let out a breath i didnt even know i was holding and that when Clair walked back in.
"Got the job?" i nodded my head as she walked me out of the building.

I got a taxi. Thinking about everything that just happened. At least i got a job and my boss was hot. But he didnt even look threw my files or anything. I wonder what this job would involve.
*************skip ride*************

When i got home, i sat on my bed proud of myself. One day without Cameron and my life was already getting better. I looked around my room. Now i had absolutely nothing to do. It was only 11 am.
"Lexi!" my mom yelled from downstairs i growled dragging myself down there.
"You have company". My mom moved aside from the door. And there stood 2 people i never expected to see together.
Jack.....and Madison!?

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