The Place I Call Hell

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Gilinksy's POV

After i knew everyone was for sure of my case, i quickly ran out of the bathroom and out to my car starting up the engine. Honestly i had felt really bad pushing Lexi away when i could tell that she would really be there for me. I don't know, Carly just brings out the worst in me i guess.

The next day

Lexi's POV

After everything that had happened with Jack i was just so confused about everything. I didn't feel like doing anything even watching PLL which i'm addicted to. I needed to get out. I got out of bed slipping on my long dark skinny jeans, a red crop top, my black combat boots, then i tied a red and black flannel around my waist. I figured i should look presentable today. After all it was the first day of school. I had an extra 30 minutes though because i woke up and couldn't sleep. So i curled my hair and did some light make-up. After i was done i looked in the mirror. ZZAAMMNN im hot. I stood in the mirror actually a long time until i actually decided to go to school.

I hopped in my car driving to school jamming out to Taylor Swift. She's ok but that song Bad Blood is just amazing!!! Anyway i pulled into the parking lot of the school and walked in ignoring all the looks i got from the fake hoes and the horny dudes. I let out a sigh of relief as i walked into the safety of the office. ''Hello i'm new here and i need a schedule'', The lady looked up from the desks putting on a fake smile, ''Name? Grade?'' She must really hate her job, i couldn't deal with all the kids in this school. I'd turn into the Hulk and throw a kid across the room for being ignorant. ''Um, Lexi James, 12th'', The lady told me to sit down as she ran to the printer to get my schedule. Great.

1st Algebra

2nd Language

3rd Science

4th Lunch

5th Art

6th Social Studies

7th Choir

I took a deep breathe and headed out to the hallway still getting stares from everyone. I made my way to my locker and put my stuff inside heading to algebra. I walked into the class standing by the teacher not knowing where to sit. Soon Mr. Wenger, the teacher walked in. He looked like he had a bird nest on top of his head. He should really take that wig off. Just saying...

''So, class, today we have a new student. Miss, please introduce yourself''. I looked around the classroom. Everyone looked the same. I saw Matt to i smiled at him and started to speak, ''Hi, im Lexi James''. Then i just stood there looking back at the teacher. ''Well ok than, take a seat next to, um... Naydia''. I went and sat down to a tall skinny blonde, not her again. She was one of 'those people' who didn't really get along with me. She turned to me, ''Lexi, you look so different. You don't even look like the same person anymore. We should totally hang out during lunch''. I really did try to be nice but right when she said that i just couldn't help what came out of my mouth. I turned to her and said, ''No bitch''. And just simply that. I said no because she only excepted me now that i look better. I told you, im dealing with no fake bitches this year! She looked at me surprised, then turned back to her desk staring at me every once in a while. I honestly feel bad for her. She honestly thinks the world revolves around your looks. And she thinks everyone likes her when they actually talk about her behind her back. That's why i just keep to myself. The rest of the day was a blur but i had a couple classes with the guys including Gilinsky. I actually was really surprised when i saw him in choir. He was a really good singer and Johnson could rap. Shawn sang too and i was just YGDYUHIUFGHYFRH!!! They would be perfect if they all weren't jerks.. sorta.

The whole day i just kept getting looked at because i was 'fresh meat' and i was getting hit on a lot. But the whole day i also noticed Cameron always looking at me. It's like, i think he doesn't like me but it was kinda creepy. Then when i noticed him looking he gave me a dirty look. Well he can suck my ass.

Anyway i had totally forgot about trying to find Jade. And it wasn't until i walked out to the car i noticed her. She was getting into her Prius ready to drive off when i walked up to her window. ''You honestly didn't think i'd forget about you?'' She smiled and got out of her car hugging me. She didn't really change. Just got a little taller. ''Well i just figured that you would be popular and all by now.. you're really good looking now, i mean, shouldn't you be hanging out with people like Naydia?'' ''Nope, i don't have time to deal with her bullshit, and plus, you were the one always there for me!'' She smiled really big. ''Well we should catch up sometime, my house after school tomorrow?'' She nodded waving by and getting into her car. I walked over to my car noticing someone leaning against it. It was Aaron. He had tears in his eyes. Oh no. ''S-s-she di-did i-it againn'' I got mad for some reason and i was just so pumped up. How could she, like damn i don't even know this chick! ''Where is she?'' Aaron didn't speak but i could see his eyes looking at the diner across the street. I got in my car leaving Aaron standing there I walked in the diner. ''Who is Kim?'' A pretty brunette looked up at me, ''That would be me, who wants to know''. ''answer one question ill tell you''. She just stood there, ''Why didn't you just break up with Aaron?'' Kim walked up to me rolling her eyes, ''Damn, because he has good money, so, who's asking?'' That's when i did it, i clenched my fist and connected it with her face knocking her to the ground. ''Me bitch''. I turned and walked out of the diner once again ignoring all the stares. Aaron was standing outside and he saw the whole thing, dying of laughter mocking me, ''me bitch'', he said in a girly accent. Wow the things i do for people, i didn't even think i had it in me.

We i headed back into my car. I needed some good music cause i felt so boss at the moment, i started singing, ''THEY SAY MY LIP GLOSS IS COOL, MY LIP GLOSS BE POPPING!'' that was the whole ride home. Yes i got weird looks from people in other cars, but hey, they can suck my ass.

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