Flash Forward

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Lexi's POV

I sat in the corner of me and Cameron's room. He was on his way home from work. I was scared.

Maybe he won't hurt me this time. 

Maybe he'll cradle me in his arms like he used to. Holding me tightly, like he never wanted to let go.

But that was before everything. Before I was forced to stop talking to others. Before I was forced to stay in all day. Before Cameron got violent. 

Suddenly the door clicked, he was home. I stood up, walking over to greet him at the door of our apartment. 

''Hey, Cam''. I weakly smiled, but I could see the anger in his eyes. 

''Shut up you stupid bitch!'' He raised his hand and smacked me to the ground and I started sobbing. Then he started kicking me, yelling at me to be quiet. What happened to the Cameron I once knew. The one who would die for me, but is now the one who will be the cause of my death. I had to leave. 

Later that night, Cameron was asleep. We lived in California, so I was just going to go back home to Nebraska. I pulled out my big suitcase, only grabbing the essentials. Then I was on my way. 

on the plane

Why did my life have to be so fucked up. I never did anything to deserve this. 

I was always told that everything happened for a reason. What is the reason for all my pain?

Off plane

I stepped out of the airport. Breathing in the cold, fresh air. I miss this. Being able to go outside. 

I looked around, immediately looking for a Taxi. I wonder if Cam notices that I'm gone. Maybe he's happy I'm gone, so he doesn't have to sneak his sluts in. He didn't think that I knew he was cheating. He didn't think that I noticed how he constantly bought me new clothes to replace the one's  that 'disappeared'. I was nothing to him anymore. I was just a good fuck. Sad when you thought you were actually loved, wanted. But, instead, you were alone in a cold, heartless world that couldn't care less about your existence. Welcome to my life.

Moments later I was standing in front of my childhood home. The memories instantly flooded back. All he sleepovers, birthday parties, dinner's with the neighbors. The good times. I walked up to the door knocking on the door, my mother answered. 

''Alex! What are you doing here? Oh my gosh I've missed you so much! Where's Cam?'' She pulled me into a hug, pulling me inside. 

''Well, me and Cameron aren't together anymore''. She frowned, she liked Cameron. But she didn't know Cameron like I did. ''So can I stay here til I get back on my feet?'' She nodded her head as I walked up to my old bedroom. Setting my suitcase on my bed, I looked over on the wall above my desk. Pictures hung from the wall. Pictures of me, my friends, and Cameron. I screamed silently as I ripped Cam's face from over picture, throwing the memories of him away. I took the scraps, walking over to the balcony, letting the little pieces float away in the wind. I looked over at the house next door. I remembered the first day we came back, all the boys looking over, flexing as much as they could. Except Aaron of course who was with that one bitch at the time. I wonder how they were all doing now. Gilinsky came to mind. I remember the last day I talked to him. 


''just go!'' Cameron pushed me towards his door. Tears ran down my face, my eyes red and puffy from crying. I stepped forward as he returned to the car. 

I knocked and Gilinsky came to the door, pulling me into a hug. But I pushed him away, reminding myself why we were here.

''We can't be friends, lose my number and forget about me''. I looked  down at my feet, trying to keep the tear''. 

''Alex, what are you talking about?'' He looked at me in confusion and Cameron honked the horn.

''Look i have to go, but just forget about me''. Then i ran, leaving him in the distance. Just like the day I got together with Cameron. 

End of Flashback

The memory tugged at my heart as i remembered Jack's face when i walked away. Full of sorrow and pain. He constantly called and texted me for a while after that, but Cameron took my phone so I couldn't really respond. 

I let out a deep breathe, but just as I did, I smelt an unholy smell.

It was me.

I grabbed some cloths and went into the bathroom. I ran steaming water, stripping off my cloths. I stood in front of the mirror, running my fingers slowly over the purple bruises on my stomach. I started to cry, wincing at the pain. 

But then I remembered everything. All the pain was gone.

I was free.

Transformations (Jack Gilinsky)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora