Chapter 14

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[AN This is basically the height difference between Diana and Daniil. Just wanted it to be visible. Probably not necessary but I honestly love this pic of them I love Austin and Vanessa as a couple.  ]

Luke's POV

We were all getting situated and comfortable on the couches and the floor included while a flushed Destiny and a satisfied Beau walk the the door and join us. 

"Don't tell me you had sex already." Joked Daniel in a mock serious tone. Destiny opened her mouth in shock and slapped his arm. Beau just winks at them, earning him a slap from Destiny as well. 

"Has the Beaustiny ship sailed?" asks Diana playfully, "because I have been preparing for it quite a while now." 

"Shut up!!!" Destiny screams trying to hide her blush, while Beau just smiles goofily behind her. 

"Diana leave them alone, you have no right." Says Abby accusingly, in attempt to end Destiny's embarrassment. 

"What do you mean?" she asks innocently a puzzled and scared look appearing on her face.

Abby motions Destiny to come towards her and shows her a picture on her phone. 

"Do you want to use this as revenge now or save it." she whispers not so quietly to Destiny.

"I'm tempted, lets see how this plays out." Destiny whispered back. 

What are they talking about!! Ugh I feel so left out. 

" I haven't done anything to be ashamed of." says Diana confidently, still cowering into Daniil a little bit. 

"Oh we know you haven't, but respect your elders." Abby says, Destiny nods in agreement before hitting Abby on the shoulder for calling her an elder. 

"Stop being violent love." says Beau with a light chuckle," They're just jealous." he says giving her a peck on the cheek. 

"Fuck it let me use it now," Destiny say. She gropes the air behind her searching for Abby's phone then passes it to me. 

I look down at the Iphone screen and see a familiar brunette with stains on her face along with something shiny in her hair. 

"Is that a spoon?" I laugh referring to the no longer mysterious object in the photo. 

"Wait what is that!" Diana screeches, she tackles me in an attempt to reach the photo display, but I instinctively toss it to Skip. Skip looks at it along with James who is looking over his shoulder. 

"Aww look!!" They say in unison, looking at the phone glancing towards Diana multiple times. 

"Guys!! Let me see it!" she quickly recovers from her tackle on me and runs towards James. He holds the phone up and out of her reach and she tries to jump to recover it.

"Jai!" James shouts as he throws the phone towards him, he catches it and his face turns into a huge smile as he looks down at it.

"This is bullying!!" she shouts."DANIIL STOP BEING A BYSTANDER!!!"

"How freaking cute is that." he says. Daniil who had just been laughing as it all went down, finally got up to join Jai and look at what the fuss was all about. 

"Yup. My girlfriend is pretty cute." he says with a laugh. He takes the phone away from Jai and taps on the screen a few times, his phone vibrates soon after. 

"Aw thanks babe I knew I could trust you!" Diana says happily. "Thanks for deleting it."she hugs him and sticks her tongue out at us.

"I didn't delete it." He says simply.

Beach Day in Melbourne (luke brooks)Where stories live. Discover now