Chapter 18

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~Diana's POV~ 

My eyes fluttered open despite my efforts to stay asleep and not face the day. I decided I should probably tell my mom about what happened, maybe it would make me feel better. But I still hesitate because I don't want to go home, I feel like I might want to face this challenge with my friends. 

Something hard yet very comfortable lays beneath me, I look up and find Jai's jawline meeting the tip of my nose. I sneak from under him, he doesn't need to wake up by the looks of the bags under his eyes he needs sleep. A crease between his eyebrows form and I can't help but place my finger on it to relieve it. The crease falls under my touch and his face is now peaceful. 

I check my phone to see that its 11 AM and probably a good time to call my mom before I chicken out. I grab one of the boys jackets and had outside to the beach where I can be alone. I quickly dial my moms number and she answers at the second ring. 

" Hey baby hows everything going? How are the girls? " I hear her voice and my heart swells, I miss her. 

"They're doing amazing, we made new friends right when we got here." I smiled slightly at the thought of the boys. 

"That's great, how are you doing?" she replies. 

"About that... I need to tell you something,"  I swallow the lump in my throat and remind myself that I will be okay, " this thing happened."

"What thing. Are you okay? What thing." my mothers tone quickly changes to worried and I knew I had to get it off my chest. 

"I was almost raped mom.. nothing happened completely but-" 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ALMOST RAPED." I could hear her stifling a cry in a mix with her shock.

"Mom I'm fine, I said almost, our new friends helped me. They saved me actually. I just knew I had to tell you." 

"You're absolutely right you need to tell me. Are you alright? I knew this was a bad idea just come home." she softly begs whilst crying. 

"Mom I'm okay, I don't want to come home." 

"Diana please, you're still my little girl."

"Mom I promise I'm okay I'll talk to you soon okay? I'm okay. I love you." I hung up the phone and held it to my chest. The breeze on the beach somewhat pacified me but I couldn't help the tear that escaped. 

I yelled. I screamed my lungs out into the ocean. I kept at it and after a few seconds the knot in my chest disappeared along with my pain. I could get past this. I am past this. The only evidence of my breakdown was my sore throat but that was a low cost for the relief I felt. 

I walked home and was met with the aroma of pancakes and coffee. It smelt like home. Everyone was sat at the counter as Abby and Destiny cooked the chocolate chip pancakes and Beau made the eggs. They looked up at me and I was relieved to see no sympathetic smiles. I croaked a small goodmorning in my worn out voice and was relieved when no one questioned it. 

"You look adorable in my clothes kid." winked Skip at me, ah so he was the owner of this very comfy jacket. Jai smacked him in the back of the head with a perfectly good pancake. 

"Hey! I could've eaten that!" I joked, I felt much better after my session.

"Don't trip you have your own plate." Beau says to me as I take a seat at the counter and he sets this ginormous plate of food in front of me. I smile at him and stuff my face happily. 

"What are we doing today?" I say between mouthfuls of food. 

"We were thinking about surfing." Replied Jai from his place next to me.

"Yup. Anything to see this beauty in a bikini again." Beau winks at my beloved friend. Awe cute.

"Goals." James, Abby and I murmured in unison. 

"Let's go get ready guys," Said Luke to his kin," We'll see you in a few. Just don't take years to get ready." 

"Okay Mr. Gotta Check Myself Out in the Mirror for 20 Minutes Before I leave the House." laughed Jai. 

Everyone joined in and it felt nice to smile. 

~Abby's POV~

We all got dressed in our wetsuits and grabbed our boards from the garage. We were walking down to the beach and I felt the need to check in on my little one. 

"You good?" I ask Diana, her face was contorted in concentration and I wanted to see if I could help the girl who would help anyone without them asking but never ask for help herself, she was honorably selfless. 

"I need to tell Daniil right?" she asks me quietly. I wanted to take away her pain like she would to me but I knew honesty was the way to go when dealing with any of our hard decisions. 

"I think so." I slung my arm around her shoulders, I had three inches on her. She sighed.

"I don't want to see his reaction." 

"If he reacts like an asshat then he doesn't deserve you, none of this is your fault. Life can just be super stupid." I attempt to console her. She doesn't deserve any of this. 

"HURRY UP ARE YOU TURTLES OR SOMETHING?" Luke yells from the water, it seems like they got started without us. 

"Alright. Lets outshine them at surfing too." Smiles Diana, her brave front up and strong. I admire her for this, thees was no doubt she would be okay. 

"Maybe we could if we knew how, I honestly don't even understand why we have boards when we haven't even learned how to surf." Destiny laughs. 

"We just never got to it." I defend," They were christmas presents soccer was our winter sport remember?" 

"Yeah and when we weren't playing soccer we were wrestling remember?" Diana smiles at the memories. 

We finally reached the water and paddled over to the boys. 

"Hey love." Beau greeted Destiny with a peck on the lips. 

"So we have a confession." Diana starts. 

"And what would that be?" questioned Jai. 

"We don't know how to surf." I conclude. 

" WHHHAAATTT." They say in a mocking tone. Obviously proud they finally have an upper hand, I mean we have been wrecking them at every sport and hobby. 

"Ha-ha yes we know we are pretty great how could we not know how to surf." I reply. 

"It's cool, we can teach you guys." Luke says cooly.

"Oh thanks." I reply while smacking his arm," I am grateful oh Great one." 

"Stop flirting so we can start the lessons!" hollered Skip.

"Let me just go check my phone, I'll be right back." Diana says to us. 

"She's okay right?" Asks Jai. 

"Yeah. She's stronger than she looks." Says Destiny. We all look at her paddling to shore and scurrying off her board and towards our pile of things.

She trips on the hidden seaweed and lands face first into the sand. I can't help the howls of laughter escaping my lips. 


"YOU OKAY?" yells Destiny to her in between gasps of air.

She's back. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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