
11.2K 128 107

 Your name: Y/N
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5' 0" (Short, I know :P)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

You're strong-hearted, tough, and a very good fighter, but you're also sweet, nice, and friendly-to your friends. To your enemies, okay, how do I put this... Imagine your enemies having a nightmare with a terrifying creature in it. Then imagine that terrifying creature having a nightmare about another, even more terrifying creature, and that even more terrifying creature is basically you when you're angry. No, you are NOT some sort of mutant monster thing, but you and that even more terrifying creature act almost exactly the same way towards your enemies, except the creature might be a little bit nicer. So basically, when you're angry, you're a ruthless warrior who lets almost nothing get in her way.

Back to the nicer side of you (and by that I mean your looks), you are pretty. And by pretty, I mean, like, Aphrodite-beautiful. (Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of love and beauty, to anyone who may not know.) Every guy, and by that I mean literally EVERY guy, likes you. Some in the "Oh, look a pretty girl! I should go ask her out!" way, and some in the "Is it wrong for a guy to have a BFF?" way. Usually you would think that since every guy likes you, automatically every girl wouldn't like you, but the way you deal with guys who want to ask you out makes them either like you because of how independent and free you make yourself, or because they don't feel threatened that you'll take their boyfriends.

So that's you.

There really isn't all that much more stat-type stuff to say here, but I'm going to go ahead and point out the other character's ages and all that jazz so you don't get confused.

Jesse and Jess (Jesse is male; Jess is female): 19
Lukas: 19
Axel: 18
Olivia: 18
Petra: 17

Go ahead and make up your own story about the deal with the two Jesses, but if you're too lazy or just don't want to for some other reason, my story is that they were twins, but their parents disturbed Herobrine's fortress or something, because Herobrine stole the baby girl and took her to his fortress where he planned on raising her to be against the Order of the Stone and their allies, but a couple of villagers who had also been taken prisoners snuck her out at night and brought her to their village and she was raised there. They named her Jesse, not knowing that she had a twin brother who was also named Jesse. When she got older, she decided to venture off on her own and leave behind the village where she had been raised to explore or whatever, and not long after she left, she bumped into her brother and they made friends, then realized they were twins, et cetera et certera, blah blah blah.

That's about it for stats, let's move onto the story!  

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