Episode 1: The Order of the Stone (Pt. 1)

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  C/E = Creeper/Enderman
T/N = Team Name

"Would you rather fight a hundred chicken-sized zombies, or ten zombie-sized chickens?" I sighed as Olivia asked the Jesse twins her notorious question. "I'm gonna have to go with the giant chickens," Jesse responded almost immediately. "Not because I want to, or think it would be easy, but because they would be an abomination." "Imagine their giant feet," Olivia said. "Like I said," Jesse responded, "an abomination."
"What about you, Jess?" Olivia was now directing her attention toward his female twin, who said, "Probably the same. I mean, the zombies would be really fast and hard to fight, and there are a hundred of them." "Are you sure it's not just-" Olivia started, but was quickly cut off by Jess. "Yes, Olivia, I'm sure that I didn't just say that because my twin brother did!" We all laughed.
When we finally regained composure, everyone went silent and kinda just stared at me really awkwardly, until I broke the ice and said, "What?"
"I was talking to you too, Y/N," Olivia said, and I realized I needed to answer the question too. I thought for a few seconds, then said, "I think the zombie-sized chickens. I mean, I could take both, but like Jess said, the zombies are small and fast, basically baby zombies. And who wants to fight a hundred baby zombies?"
"Just like everyone else," Olivia said. "Anyway, I've got a daylight sensor on the roof, and if I've done this right, these redstone lamps should turn on once it gets dark. I just didn't want to leave Reuben with nothing while we we're at the building competition," "He's coming with us," Jesse said. "Really?" Olivia asked, clearly exasperated. Jess replied with "What kind of question is that? Of course he is!"
"Okay," Olivia said quickly, "I'm not saying he shouldn't come. I'm not. It's just...don't you think it's weird that you take him with you everywhere you go?" "He's my wingman!" Jesse protested. "Yeah, people always want to talk about the kids with the pig," Jess backed him up.
"You mean talk about the kids with the pig," Olivia said. "Like, 'Look at the weird kids with the weird pig. How weird'." Everyone just kind of stared a her, until she said, "I didn't mean anything by it. I'm glad he's coming. I just...don't want to give people one more reason to call us losers."
"We're not losers," I said, trying to get her to stop being a pessimist about everything. "You're not," she agreed. "Everyone loves you. I'm talking about us less cool kids over here." "That may be true," I said, "but either way, no one here is a loser." "We lose at everything," she disagreed, then I stared, "Okay, okay," but she interrupted, "I can't remember the last time we won anything." I continued, "But if that's true, it means we're winners at being losers!" She laughed, then said, "Oh, alright."
Suddenly we heard an ominous hissing noise coming from the trapdoor. Jess and I jumped to our feet. "Oh, no," Jesse said, then a...thing jumped up through the trapdoor and yelled, "Boo!", and we all screamed.
"Ha, ha!" Axel took off the creeper mask and said, "You guys totally freaked out, that was awesome!" Reuben ran up and head-butted him in the stomach.
"Axel, what is wrong with you?!" Olivia said and glared at him.
"Great. Now I'm going to smell like a pig at Endercon," Axel complained. "That is so not funny, Axel!" Jess yelled at him. "You had that coming," I agreed, then Jesse said, "Cool mask, though." "Thanks. At least someone appreciates my sense of humor," he said and glared at Jess, Olivia and I.
"Excuse us for not wanting to be blown up," I said and folded my arms.
"Moving on, did you bring the fireworks?" Olivia asked. "Of course I did. I even brought something for the little guy," he said and pulled out an Ender Dragon costume. "Nice!" Jesse said, the Olivia asked, "You brought Rueben a disguise?" "We're going to a convention, somebody's gotta wear a costume," Axel said, and put the fake wings and head on the pig.
"He looks incredible!" I exclaimed, staring in awe at the pig in costume as he ran around the treehouse.
"You definitely brought the fireworks, right?" Olivia asked again, just to make sure. "I'm ready. Waiting on you guys," he exasperatedly replied. Olivia then turned to the Jesse twins and said, "If he was really you guys' best friend, you wouldn't let him go out dressed like that," referring to Reuben. "The only thing more dangerous that putting a costume on a pig-" "-is trying to take one off," Jess finished her twin brother's sentence. "You know, that really is creepy, the whole twins finishing each other's sentences thing," I said, and made everyone laugh.
When we stopped, Axel said, "Hurry up and grab your stuff," and Olivia continued with, "We'll meet you downstairs." I grabbed my iron sword and followed them down through the trapdoor and down the ladder.

"You know, Y/N, if we get teased by anyone, we're going to expect you to deal with it," Axel said, then I replied, "Hey, Just because Minecraftia has a crush on me, doesn't mean I like them back." "What does that have to do with anything I just said?" he asked. "I can't deal with all your problems," I said, "if I do, you'll come off as vulnerable and a good teasing target." "We're already teasing targets," Olivia pointed out. "Even more so," I corrected myself.
The Jesse twins climbed down the ladder and Olivia said, "That's everything." "Let's roll," Axel said, and I replied, "Yeah, dude. Roll."
"Let's go," Jesse said, slightly annoyed by our behavior, and we began walking.
As we were getting further and further away from our treehouse, Axel said, "I heard a pretty juicy rumor about the building competition, but you guys have to promise not to say anything." "Okay," Olivia said. "it's in two parts," Axel continued, "and each part's more exciting than the last." "Spit it out, Axel," Jesse said. "Part one, the special guest at this year's Endercon is none other than Gabriel the Warrior him-freaking-self," "Wow! What's part two?" Jess asked. "Part two, according to my sources, the winner of the building competition's gonna get to meet him. It doesn't mean anything if we lose. But if we win," Axel went on, "oh man, this would make up for all the losing!"
"Meeting Gabriel would be a dream and an honor," Jesse said, then his sister added, "Yeah, but I wish the rest of them were there." "That would be pretty cool," Olivia agreed, then we were silent for a moment.
Ending the silence, I asked, "Is it really that big a deal?"
Everyone stopped and stared at me like, who are you?
"You should be the most excited out of all of us, Y/N," Axel said, "he's a warrior. You're a warrior. Well, more of a warrior than the rest of us." "And?" I asked, wanting him to actually give me a reason to be excited. "Well, I don't know, I just thought you would like that," he said, clearly defeated.
We kept walking. As we approached the competition, Olivia said to Axel, "So, does this source of yours make posters for a living?" "Huh?" Axel confusedly asked. Then he looked up and saw the Endercon posters in front of him and said, "Yeah...my, uh, source doesn't exist. You guys are my only friends." "That's depressing," I said.
"Guys, let's stay focused." Jesse said, then, to absolutely no one's surprise, their twin-finishing-each-other's-sentences thing kicked in and Jess said, "We've got a competition to win." "We never win," Olivia said, "and this year, we've got Reuben with us. We basically have no chance." "Stop being such a pessimist all the time!" I shouted at her, and she said, "Okay, okay!" We all laughed.
We walked in silence for a bit, then Jess seemed to have an idea, and said, "Wait a minute, wait a minute. We're thinking about this all wrong. The point of the building competition isn't just to build something. You have to do something to get noticed by the judges!" "Okay then. So, how do we do this?" Olivia asked. Picking up on Jess's idea, I said, "We don't just build something functional-" "-we build something fun," Jesse finished for me.
"Okay, that's even creepier than the twins-finishing-each-other's-sentences thing," I said. We laughed for a moment, then Jess continued, "After we finish the fireworks machine like we planned, then we build something cool on top of it!" "You might be on to something," Olivia said. "Of course I'm on to something," Jesse shot back. "Have I ever steered you wrong?" "Well, there was the time when-" "Olivia." "What?" "Let's focus on the build." Axel, Jesse and I laughed.
When we stopped, Axel said, "If you want to get a good reaction from the judges, you build something scary, so I say we build a creeper." "Wouldn't an Enderman be better? I'm more scared of Enderman then creepers," Olivia said. "They both have their moments. Both pretty scary," Axel said, then Olivia added, "Then again, you did scare the crap out of us with that creeper mask earlier." "I want to build a creeper," Jesse said. "I don't know, I'm sort of leaning towards an Enderman. 'Cause, you know, Endercon?" "So I guess it's up to you, Y/N," Jesse said. "What do you think?"
I thought about it for a moment, then said, "I'm gonna go with the C/E."
So we had our build idea. Now what?
"I think this is the first time we've decided on something before we've gotten to the competition," Olivia said, and I had to agree with her. "Think we've got everything we need?" She continued. "Wouldn't hurt to grab a little more," Jesse said. "Let's get to grabbing, then," Axel said. "We're so prepared. We can't lose. Cannot," Jess said, "bring it in." We stepped forward and put our hands and the middle, and Jesse said, "'Dare to prepare' on three. No no no, 'preparing is daring'. No wait, that's the same thing. Forget it. 'Team' on three. One, two, three..." "TEAM!" we all shouted and threw our hands in the air before going our separate ways to collect more materials for the build.

Once we had gathered all our resources, we started on our way towards the Endercon building competition, Axel said, "We know what we're building, we've got all the stuff for it. We're so ready!" "This year is going to be different," Olivia agreed. "I'm not just ready to build, I'm ready to win!"
Some random guy walked past us and said, "Nice pig, losers." Jesse, Jess, Olivia and Axel stopped walking, but I said, "Dude."
"What?" he said, not taking me seriously.
"You don't insult my friend's pig," I said, working up to a threat. "You simply don't-if you know what's good for you." "Are you threatening me?" he asked, still not taking me seriously. "Ha! You should've seen the last guy-the one I was actually threatening," I said. "Whatever, loser,' he responded and walked away.
After the rest of them had managed to calm me down, there was a building team at the registration booth with four members in it. They all had matching black leather jackets with cats on the back. "Oh, great," Axel said, "there's Lukas and the Ocelots. The rivalry continues." "Man, they've got matching leather jackets and everything!" Olivia said. "So cool..." Axel agreed.
They must've heard us or something, because at that moment, Aiden turned around, saw that it was us, and said, "Well, well, well. If it isn't the Order of the Losers!" Gil and Maya looked behind them and laughed, then Maya said, "Great, the fail squad's here!" "Lukas! Get a load of these losers!" Gil said to his friend. Lukas barely acknowledged we were there before saying, "Let's go, guys."
As we walked up to the booth, the girl in it said, "Name, Please?"
"Axel, and a how do you do?" Axel said jokingly. "No. Your team name," she said.
"Team name?" Axel asked. "We are not ready for this."
"So much for losing anonymously," Olivia said, then Jesse asked if I wanted to pick the team name. I said yes, then thought about it for a moment. I was torn between the Nether Maniacs, the Dead Enders, and the Order of the Pig. I decided on T/N.
"We're the T/N," I said. "Okay, T/N, you guys are in booth 5," she said. We walked over to the gate, went through, and looked around for booth 5. Aiden, Gil, and Maya, turned to look at us, laughed and shook their heads, then went back to planning their build.
When we got to our booth, we looked around, got the feel of it, and prepared to start building. Axel looked over to the Ocelots' booth and said, "Is that a freakin' beacon? They have a freakin' beacon?! Freakin' beacon?!" "That's stained glass," Olivia pointed out. "They aren't just building a beacon. They're building a rainbow beacon!" She paused for a moment, then continued, "We're gonna lose."
"Don't worry, we got this!" Jess said, trying to get Olivia to be an optimist. "Yeah, our design is way cooler than theirs'," I agreed. "Beacons are cool!" Jesse said. His twin and I glared at him until he realized what he said. "Oh...did I say beacons were cool? I meant lame!"
"Suuuure," I said.
"We should probably stop staring at them," Olivia contemplated. "They-"
She didn't have time to finish what she was going to say because Gil cut her off with, "Hahaha! Look, it's the Order of the Losers. Again." "Ha, good one, Gil!" Maya said in her incredibly annoying Maya tone that resembled a thousand tiny hammers swinging around on the inside of my skull.
Olivia, using her incredible comeback skills (note the sarcasm), shot back, "We're just looking."
"There'll be plenty of time to look at it after it wins and gets shown at Endercon," Aiden said. In reply, Axel pointed out, "You're being unpleasant." "Maybe not all of us," Aiden said. "Endercon doesn't allow outside food or drink." With that, he jutted his jaw out at Reuben. "I'm talking about your pig!"
Jesse decided to join the club of great comebacks and said, "Well, you're a pig!" Aiden, Gil, and Maya laughed. I groaned and banged my forehead against the fence and sarcastically said, "Wow, you guys are so good at making comebacks! You should start a class to teach people how to make comebacks properly!"
"Woah, why are you trying to bruise your forehead? You're going to hurt yourself!" I didn't look up to see who had spoken, I simply kept banging my head on the fence and said, "This is less painful then listening to their terrible excuses for comebacks."
"If you bang your head on the fence every time they make a bad comeback, you'll be banging your head on the fence for the rest of your life," the unidentified person said as he walked towards me. "But you wouldn't be if you stopped being friends with them. Actually, why is a girl as incredible as you hanging out with losers like these, anyway?" he asked, and that's when I knew it was Aiden.
I looked up to see Aiden standing right next to me, and when I say right next to me, I mean right next to me. Like, eight inches away from me at the most. The rest of my group plus the rest of the Ocelots were looking at him like, you do realize there are people around, right?
I looked at him with an expression of disgust, confusion, and shock on my face, and just held that for a few seconds. When he didn't respond, I said, "What the heck, Aiden? Do you mind?"
He looked down and realized what he was doing, then said, "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, Y/N..." and slowly backed towards his group.
"And to answer your question, Aiden," I said, "I'm friends with them because they're nice to people, unlike some people I know." I looked at him, Gil, and Maya and said, "I'm not going to give names."
"You'll warm up to us. I know you will," Aiden said, then turned to Jesse and Reuben and continued, "Anyway, back to your stupid pig."
For the first time since we got to the building competition, Jess spoke, and using an I-know-what-I'm-doing-so-don't-mess-with-me tone, she said, "You really shouldn't mess with Reuben." "I do whatever I want," he shot back. "Besides, what harm can a pig do?" "Keep talking and find out," Olivia said.
Finally, Lukas seemed to realize what was going on, and said, "Stop wasting your time, Aiden. We've got work to do." Aiden then turned to us and said, "You're lucky I'm busy."
Before things could get ugly again, a certain redheaded girl holding an iron pickaxe over her shoulder walked in. I groaned. I recognized this girl, and when she was involved, nothing good ever happened.
"Hey Jesse," she said. "Jess. Guys." "Um, hello?" I said, annoyed that she had walked in just to ruin everything once again. "Of course," she said, and glared at me. "How could I forget the girl who's always stealing my thunder? Hello, Y/N." "Oh, you mean that thunder? The thunder that you're always stealing from me? Hello, there, Petra."
She gritted her teeth and turned to Jesse. "Anyway," she said, "hey guys." "Hey, Petra," Jesse responded. "How's the build going?" she asked. "Only time will tell. But -- we're optimistic," Axel said, taking the opportunity to speak to her. "Most of us, at least," I said, looking at Olivia.
Lukas pulled his head out of his build for a moment to talk to Petra. He walked up and said, "Petra, I forgot to thank you for that nether star," he said. "Hey Lukas," she said, "not a problem." "You helped these tools?" Axel asked, surprised. "For the right price, I'll help anyone," she said, then continued, "Unlike some people I know." She glared at me. "And that's why, one day, something bad is going to happen due to you helping the wrong person," I shot back. "Oh, shut up Y/N, we all know that's not going to happen," she ordered. "Don't say I didn't warn you," I said.
She glared at me one more time, then turned to everyone else and said, "If you need anything, you know where to find me." "None of us know where to find you," Olivia pointed out.
As she was walking away, we heard her say, "Exactly."
Once she was gone, I rolled my eyes and said, "Her again. It always has to be her. Why does it always have to be her?" "Calm down, Y/N, it's not that big a deal," Olivia said.
"Moving on..." Lukas said, "no hard feelings, guys. If you're cool with Petra, you're cool with us. So why don't we just forget about all this, and make this about how cool our builds are?" Jess started, "We're cool with Petra-" "We?" I cut her off. "I think you mean most of us." "Yes, Y/N," she said.
"We're going to crush you," Jesse said. His sister glared at him, then said, "He means 'may the best team win'." "And teach your friends some manners," I said. "Especially that one." I pointed at Aiden. "He's just trying to get in your head," Lukas defended him. "Well, it's working," I said.
"Ladies and gentleman...Welcome to the Endercon building competition!" We looked to see the announcer looking around to announce the beginning of the contest. "The winners of this year's competition will have their build featured at Endercon -- the winners will also meet, in person, Gabriel the Warrior!" she continued, and everyone cheered.
We looked over to the Ocelots' booth and saw them doing their team handshake. "Woah, handshake? We don't have a handshake," Olivia said. "We'll just make one up," Jesse said. "We'll call it...the...uhhhhhhhhhh...Builder Bump!"
Jess walked up to me and did some weird thing with my hands, then she went and did it to Axel, Olivia, and her brother. "And just like that," Olivia said, "I'm nervous again." "Don't talk like that! We can do this! Just stick to the plan," I said. "Yeah, this year, the T/N can't lose!" Jesse said. We put our hands in the middle, and Axel said, "Let's do it!" At that moment, we heard the announcer say, "Building...starts...now!"
I watched as the rest of my group ran to the middle and starting building their fireworks dispenser. If you're wondering why I wasn't also building, it's because I can't build. Cannot. I cannot, under any circumstances, build anything worth building. Or looking at. So I let them do their thing.
When they had finished building the first part, the fireworks dispenser, Aiden looked over and said, "Oh, a fireworks dispenser? I'm so scared!" "You worry about-" I cut Jess off with, "Leave the comebacks to me, please." Aiden laughed, shook his head, and turned back to his rainbow beacon. Jess, Jesse, Axel, and Olivia then continued the build by building the C/E to cover up the fireworks dispenser.
Once they were completely finished, they looked around to see what other teams were building. I looked around to, but they all seemed to be meaningless blobs. I looked back up to my friends to see their mouths moving. I guessed that they were talking, but I couldn't tell what they were saying.
Olivia switched the lever on top of the C/E, and the dispensers fired out some fireworks. Peopled oohed and aahed. The judges walked over. They looked impressed. Someone yelled, "Good build, man!"
"What?" I looked over to see Aiden staring in shock at the C/E. "No way...it's just a bunch of dyed wool!" He punched a block next to him, and it broke. Unfortunately, that block was stopping some lava from flowing all over the ground. "Whoops..." he said.
Reuben was sitting on the ground, very near where Aiden had broken the block. The lava started flowing, and the pig's costume caught on fire. He ran around in circles and squealed like, well, like a baby pig.
"Oh no! Reuben's on fire!" I heard Jesse yelling from all the way on top of the C/E. "Reuben, no! Come back!" I saw Axel moving his mouth, and I guessed he was saying something about Aiden. I couldn't make out anything else they were saying, until Olivia yelled, "Reuben's going to get lost!" "You two, stay here and save the build!" I heard Jess yell. "Y/N, Jesse and I will go after him!" "I'M COMING REUBEN!" Jesse yelled. He jumped down and tucked himself into a roll in order to not break his legs. He rolled into Aiden and knocked him down. Then his twin sister did the same thing.
I ran after them, then stopped for a moment. I turned back, walked towards Aiden, and punched him in the gut.
Then I ran after them.

We ran into the woods and Jess said, "Jesse, you go right, Y/N, you go left, and I'll go straight ahead!" "REUBEN!" Jesse yelled. "Okay, let's go!" I said.
I went to the left and looked around for Reuben, like Jess said. It was starting to get dark, so I wanted to do this as fast as I could. But it was too late. Mobs were already crawling out of their caves. I looked around more hastily and called out, "Reuben! Where are you?" I got no reply.
I was looking in some grass when I heard a noise coming from behind me. sssssssssssssssssssssss... I pulled my sword out and spun around to see a creeper about to explode right in front of me. I hit it once, but I didn't do it fast enough. The creeper exploded and knocked me into a tree. I heard a sickening crack.
I got up and tried to fight the herd of zombies and creepers, but I was losing consciousness. When I stood up, I felt dizzy. I sat down and pulled out my bow, intending to shoot at them, but my ears were ringing from the explosion and I didn't hear the creeper right next to me hissing until it exploded. This time, when I was blasted away, I felt my head hit another tree, hard. My vision was starting to go black. No, I thought. Not now. Any time but now!
But it couldn't be stopped. I went limp, and the last thing I remember was a female voice yelling, and a figure with red hair swinging her sword at the zombies and creepers.

So, there's the first chapter!
It was long, I know, but since I probably won't be posting these very often, I'm going to do long chapters, mmkay?
This chapter, minus the Author's notes, was 4136 words long.
On a different subject, I'm also writing this story on Quotev, so if you could go look at that one, that would be great!
Hope you enjoyed!
XOXO, Crystal

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