Episode 2: Assembly Required (Pt. 1)

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Last time...
Jesse began down the stairs, along with Jess, Olivia, and Axel, but Lukas stopped them.
"Uh, guys?" he said cautiously, and gestured to the horizon. I looked to where had had pointed, and gasped in horror.
On the horizon was a big black thing.
The Witherstorm had caught up with us.
Lukas turned to the part of the group who were leaving for their respective members of the Order. In his eyes was a look of pure desperation. When he spoke, the terror was clear in his voice.
"Please hurry."

Three days.

It had been three days since Jesse, Jess, Olivia and Axel had left to find Magnus and Ellegaard. Since then, all Lukas and I had been doing was building, aiming to fortify the temple that we had taken refuge in, looking as far as we dared to go, trying to find Petra, and standing watch so we would know if the Witherstorm was attacking.

Speaking of the Witherstorm, we hadn't seen it since before the rest of the group had left to find their members of the Order. It was almost as if it didn't find us interesting anymore. I didn't know why, but obviously I wasn't complaining.

My arm had gotten a lot better, too. By now, I could fight pretty well without having to back out from pain. Petra was right. The regeneration potion she had given me those four days ago had worked really well.

I gazed at the sun setting before me, and as I did, I figured I should probably get to bed. It wasn't all that late, but I had to get up really early to stand watch. Lukas had offered to take the night shift, but I didn't see how it was fair that I could sleep through the night when he had to be up all day and all night, so we decided to split the shift. He would stand watch until midnight, then wake me up and I would stand watch until morning. Neither of us were used to getting only six hours of sleep, but we adapted quickly to our new schedule.

I stood up and walked towards the stairs, heading towards the hallway where Lukas and I had set up camp. I hadn't heard from the voice since before the rest of the group had left, when Jesse had asked if he could have the amulet. It was kind of worrying.

I opened the door to the hallway where I would sleep and walked over to one of the beds, laid down on it, and pulled the blanket up over my body. Pretty soon, my eyes began to feel heavy, and before I knew what was happening, I drifted off to sleep.


I felt myself being shaken awake.


I opened my eyes to see Lukas standing over me. "It's midnight already?" I asked, yawning.

"I can go all night if you want me to," he said. "I'm not that tired."

"There are bags under your eyes," I said. "You're exhausted. I'm going out."

A brief expression of relief passed over his face until he remembered that he didn't want me to go out. "Fine," he said. I could hear the relief in his voice, despite his best efforts to hide it.

As he took of his jacket and shoes and climbed into one of the other beds, I walked to where we had set up our weapon rack and grabbed my bow and quiver, iron sword, and dagger. 

As I walked out the door, I let my mind wander and found myself thinking about Petra. Had she escaped the Witherstorm? We hadn't found any trace of her in the three days we had been staying here at the temple. I hoped she was okay.

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