Episode 1: The Order of the Stone (Pt. 2)

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If you're here, it means you braved through and read the entire last 4136 word long chapter. Good for you! Again, sorry they're so long, but hey, at least the story's being updated, right?


Last time...

I was losing consciousness, and my arm was throbbing. When I stood up, I felt dizzy. I sat down and pulled out my bow, intending to try and shoot at them, but my ears were ringing from the explosion and I didn't hear the creeper hissing right next to me until it exploded. This time, when I was blasted away, I felt my head hit another tree, hard. My vision was starting to go black. No, I thought. Not now. Any time but now!

But it couldn't be stopped. I went limp, and the last thing I remember was a female voice yelling, and a figure with red hair swinging her sword at the zombies and creepers.


When I came to, I was lying on something hard. I breathed in deeply through my nose. It smelled wet, so I assumed I was in a cave. I tried to move. When I did, my left arm exploded in sharp pain. I decided that at least for now, it was a bad idea to move. Lying still, I extended my other senses. I didn't open my eyes yet, for fear of what my arm might look like, but I did hear voices.

"I want to show you something." A female voice. The same one from earlier, the one that was yelling and attacking the mobs as I went unconscious.

"Not that this isn't a really cool, dimly lit tunnel, but...how far away is this thing you want to show me?" Jesse. No doubt about it. I tried to think. I went back to a few moments before going unconscious and remembered the voice, the figure in the darkness, the red hair. I looked closer, so to speak, and recognized that the figure was the shape of a teenage girl.

I tried to put the pieces together. Jesse...the voice...the figure of a seventeen-year-old girl...the red hair...attacking the mobs-and then it came to me. The voice belonged to Petra. Why hadn't I realized it before?

I was so tied up in figuring out who the figure in the darkness was that I missed some of what was said.

"...as a wimp." Petra. I knew that she had probably said something else before that, but I was tied up in my thoughts and didn't know what it was.

"Heh, this isn't our first time in a cave, Petra." A new voice. Feminine. The way she said "our" made it clear she was referring to Jesse and her. Also, the only one who ever referred to Jesse that way was his sister. Therefore, this voice must have belonged to her.

"Yeah, but have you ever seen...a wither skull?" Petra said. I forgot all about the pain in my arm and sat up and opened my eyes. Immediately, I wished I hadn't. My arm was bent in a very unnatural direction. As I desperately tried not to throw up, I looked over to where Petra, Jesse, and Jess were standing and saw Petra holding the wither skull. I stood up to get a closer look, or at least tried to. My arm throbbed like there was no tomorrow. With no warning what so ever, I whimpered and collapsed on the stone ground. It did nothing to break my fall.

Everyone was silent for a moment. I heard footsteps coming towards me, and I wondered why I had ever decided to try and get up. "Great," Petra said as she reached me. "You've knocked your arm out of position again." Jess choked on her own tongue. "What happened to your arm?" she asked, looking slightly sick.

"Creeper blew me into a tree," I mumbled. "Twice." Petra pulled a pink potion out of her pocket. "Sit up," she ordered. "I'm going to need to set your arm again. Try not to pass out from pain."

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