Episode 2: Assembly Required (Pt. 2)

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The last chapter I posted of this was the April Fool's chapter, but I wrote it so I could just copy the part before anybody died and write the actual chapter from there, so a few parts of this actual chapter will be the same as the April Fool's one, just pointing that out so you didn't get confused
Last time...
"Y/N! Petra!" he said. "Come here, it's really important!"
I glanced at Petra like, Let's go, then began to weave through corridors, up and down flights of stairs, and cutting through rooms until I reached the roof where Lukas was.
"What?" I asked, and he pointed to a three figures coming towards the temple, one entirely clad in red.
"It's Jess and Olivia!" he said excitedly.
"But...who's that person with them?" Petra asked, clearly confused.
"It's Ellegaard," I said, leaning forward to get a better view. "The Redstone Engineer herself."


"You're back!" I yelled as the small group of three girls approached the temple.
"And we brought Ellegaard!" Jess yelled back, then turned her vision to the person standing next to me and went wide-eyed. "Petra?" she asked, her shock leaking into her voice.
"Yeah, it's me," she said. "What, you didn't think that crazy Wither monster thing had killed me, did you?"
For a while, Jess could only stare in surprise at the redheaded girl. When she finally spoke, she said, "Umm...No..."
Ellegaard rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Can we please come in now?" she asked. "It's almost nighttime. The mobs are starting to spawn."
"Yeah, just give me a second to unlock the door," I heard Lukas say from somewhere beside me. I watched him turn and walk down the flight of stairs behind us and towards the door, unlocking it so Jess, Olivia and Ellegaard could come in.
I turned and walked down the flight of stairs leading to the door with Petra in tow. When I opened the door, I was greeted almost immediately by a smothering hug from Jess. I patted her back, then she let me go and hugged Petra.
"I am so happy to see you," she said and let go of Petra. "How did you survive?"
"Thankfully, I heard Gabriel telling Y/N where to go," Petra said. "When Jesse pulled me down from the tractor beam, I ran and ran and ran for the temple. If it wasn't for you guys..." she trailed off.
We were all silent for a moment, until Olivia said quietly, "Wow. Did Gabriel get away too? Did you see?"
Petra turned and began to walk to the end of the corridor, saying, "It's all a blur, but... the Witherstorm left almost nothing behind. Everything...everyone...was just gone." she paused. "It even got Gabriel."
I glanced back at Ellegaard, who had an expression of shock and sadness on her face. I had almost forgotten she was there until then. I looked back towards the end of the corridor and kept walking.
We were silent for the rest of the time we spent walking down the corridors, up the stairs, and through the library until we reached the roof. I looked at Ellegaard to see how she would react to how Lukas and I had fixed up the place. She looked around the roof and said, "Wow...I can't even remember the last time I was here."
"Alright, everyone." Lukas stood and turned to the group. "We can't really do much until Jesse and Axel get back with Magnus, so we'll just sit tight until they do. We don't have any other choice."
Ellegaard turned to him, a look of shock and anger on her face. "Magnus?" she asked. "Magnus is coming?"
"Uh...yeah," I interceded. "Is there a problem?"
Her back stiffened, and when she spoke, her voice was tense. "No," she said. "No problem at all."
She was lying. I could tell just by looking at her. I'd always been good at deciphering body language, but she was making it so obvious that pretty much anyone could tell.
I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but before anyone could say anything, I changed the subject.
"We've got a few beds set up in one of the hallways," I said. "We can all sleep there for the night, or however many nights it takes for Jesse and Axel to get back."
"Okay," Olivia said. "Can you show us to this hallway?"
"Yeah," I said, starting down the stairs. "Follow me."
I weaved through corridors and up and down stairs until I finally reached the hallway with the beds. "Here we are," I said.
"Couldn't...you...have put the beds closer to the roof?" Olivia asked, out of breath. I grinned.
"Sorry," I said. "Anyway, rest up. You'll need all your energy for tomorrow."
"Wait..." Jess interrupted me. "What about standing watch? Someone's going to have to be awake to warn us if something bad happens."
"Oh, don't you worry about that," I said. "Lukas and I already have that covered. You guys just sleep."
Jess looked at me skeptically, but I nodded, reassuring her that we would be fine. She seemed to calm down, and began to walk towards one of the beds. She laid on top of it and pulled the covers over herself, then closed her eyes and went to sleep.
I walked to one of the empty beds and sat on it, contemplating how crazy this past week had been. It wasn't long, though, until I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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