Telling your friend

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Best chapter title I could think of

Slenderman took you back home, you called your friend late at night and with some convincing, you managed to get her to your house at 12:00 AM but she had to convince her parents to drop her off. Anyways, she was on your bed while you looked at her, kinda nervously.

"Why did you ask me here?" She asked, a bit grumpy from you getting her up.

"It's uh..." You look away and take a deep breath. "Something I have never told my parents or you about."

She started to get curious. "Yeah, and?"

"But... I need you to promise me that you will not tell anybody else." You say, sitting down next to her, twiddling your thumbs.
She sighed in annoyance.

"(Y/N), I AM YOUR BESTIE." She nearly shouted and you had to hush her, not wanting to wake up your family. "Of course I will keep it a secret. I cross my heart and hope to die that I will never tell your secret."

You smiled a little at her. "It's that I'm-"

She gasped in horror. "You're pregnant? Who-"

"No, I'm not. At least I hope not." You say, looking down.

"What does that mean?" She asked, her eyes narrowing at you. "OMG. You had sex with somebody didn't you?"

You blushed and nodded a little.

"Who was it?" She asked, a bit excited for you.

"He's very well-known." You say.

"Just. Tell. Me." She said, between gritted teeth.

"Slenderman." You say and inside you cringe. You took one peek at her and she started laughing.

"He is not real." She laughed, looking at you.

"Slenderman." You say, then the lights went out a little then the Slenderman appeared in the corner. Your friend stopped laughing and looked at him in shock. Her mouth started moving with no words coming out.

"(F/N). Do not freak out." You say, trying to calm her with your words.

She finally calmed herself and glanced at Slenderman and to you. "No. It's just that... OMG! Is Jeff the killer real, too??? I would love to meet him." She turned to you, excited. "You finally told me you have Slenderman as a boyfriend. But where is Jeff? You guys are real! I love Jeff."

"Shh... you might wake up my parents." You warn her and she nodded in agreement.

Slenderman was now in front of you two. "Yes, the others live like me. Would you two mind if I take you two to go meet them at my mansion until the moring?"

Another chapter done

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