Chapter 01

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kiss him or kill him? (I still can't decide)

Chapter 01 

Being a police officer in the sunny city of Oakland, California, possessing the fifth highest crime rate in the United States was never boring yet there Melissa Evans sat, in the station's break room, bored out of her mind. She should be out ridding the city of crime with her partner but instead, she'd been sitting there, staring at her cell phone for the past three hours. She sighed as she realized she should've been called into her boss's office hours ago. 

She picked up an apple from the fruit arrangement that had been set up for the staff and took a bite of the juicy fruit. She did not know where the donut-eating police officer stereotype came from but it certainly wasn't true. 

She stared at the clock. She watched in agony as it slowly went from 1:00 to 1:30; from 1:30 to 2:00. From 2:00 to... Well you know how time works... Finally, after what seemed an eternity and a half of waiting, Melissa's phone rang. She glanced down at the caller ID to see it was her boss calling.  

"It's about damn time," she grumbled angrily to herself as she flipped open her phone-yes flipped because her phone was that old-and answered. 

"Hello, boss?" 

"Melissa, you can come down to my office now," the police chief answered her, sounding slightly out of breath. 

Not wanting to yell at him over the phone, she complied to his wishes. "Okay," she said, and without saying goodbye, she hung up as she flipped her brown hair and stormed down the hallway to the office. 

She suddenly wondered if he was going to fire her. Then she remembered she was his strongest and most qualified employee and quickly shook the thought away. 

On her way down the hall Melissa ran into, literally, a pretty blonde that she recognized working around but didn't know her name. She had lipstick smeared around her lips, her cheeks had a flushed look to them, and her hair was a frizzy mess. She was probably having more fun than Melissa had been for the past few hours. 

"Sorry!" The blonde squealed as she walked away. 

"Slut," Melissa coughed quietly as she walked to the end of the hallway where her boss's office was. Without bothering to knock, she busted open the feeble door and barged in. Her boss, Officer Hugh, was sitting at his desk, frowning at her as if he hadn't just wasted almost a whole day of her life and it was the other way around. 

"What? Is a simple knock to much to ask from you, Evans?" he demanded. 

"It sure as hell is if it took you five freaking hours to give me the pleasure of speaking with you," Melissa told him, emphasizing the sarcasm at the last part of the sentence. 

She sat down in the comfy chair across from him, propped her feet up on his wooden desk and leaned back. The fact that she had put more criminals behind bars than the rest of the station combined gave her permission to do so. 

Hugh glared at her boots on his desk than back at Melissa. "Please," he motioned to her feet. "Make yourself at home," he requested bitterly. 

Melissa smirked. "Don't mind if I do." She smiled wickedly. "What could you have possibly been doing for the last five hours anyway?" 

That's when she noticed his ruffled up hair and untucked, unbuttoned shirt. She remembered the blonde walking down the hallway and the way he was out of breath when she was on the phone with him and she quickly put the pieces together. 

"Ohhh..." She muttered. 

"Yeah..." He flushed, embarrassed. 

"Wait, five hours?" She asked amazed. "How did you manage that?" 

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