Chapter 05

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When Melissa woke up to the harsh rays of sunlight in her eyes, she felt something hard and sweaty pressed against her back.

Something hot, sweaty, and definitely male. She turned around slowly to see a sleeping, shirtless, and very cute looking Ryan snoring quietly behind her.

She resisted the urge to reach out and stroke his matted hair. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. If she didn't know better, she would think that he was actually a really nice guy.

Too bad she knew that wasn't the case. 

She looked over at the digital clock. 11:30. How the heck did she sleep in that late? Usually she was the one waking up the rooster. So how did this happen?

Then she remembered.  

~(Flashback to last night)~  

"Ryan?" She whispered with her back still turned to him. "Are you still awake?"

He jumped, not knowing she was awake. He really hoped that she hadn't caught him staring at her. He just couldn't help it, the way her body tensed as she shifted positions, the way her tan skin gleamed in the light, he wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch her. Not in an inappropriate way, he just wanted to see if the electric sensation would come back if he did.

To cover up his creeping thoughts, he chuckled. "What, are you too lazy to roll over and find out yourself?" He asked. The lights were on so it really wouldn't have been that hard to find out if he was or not.

Ignoring that she answered "I'm going to take that as a yes,"

"Good guess," he congratulated her.

She rolled her eyes as she sat up beside him. When she did so, their skin met. They both jumped at the touch but neither of them moved away.

"What are you still doing up?" She asked.

He thought about it. "Thinking of ways to rape you in your sleep,"

She laughed at his absurd answer. "No, seriously," she pressed him.

"Well it's a bit hard to sleep with the lights on, dontcha think?"

"Nope," she replied. "Obviously not,"

Ryan furrowed a brow. "Why are you still awake?"

She smiled. "So if you do go through with your plotting to rape me, I'll be able to fight you off and kick your ass," He chuckled. Melissa couldn't help noticing how amazing he looked. The only physical flaw he had was a scar just under his right eyebrow. She wondered what they did to cover it up while he was filming. 

"So let's say you can refrain from raping me tonight," she joked. "What do you want to do?"

He stroked his chin. "Maybe we could get to know each other?" he asked her, eyes sparkling with curiosity about this stranger he would be spending the next few weeks with.

She chuckled. Ryan raised an eyebrow. "That sounds like something from one of your tacky movies," she commented.

He laughed as he stroked his chin in thought. "I think I do remember saying that once..." he mumbled as they both laughed. It was the first laugh of many that night.

~(End of flashback)~

She remembered all of the things from last night. She remembered the jokes, stories, and laughs they shared and she remembered the fact that they somehow spent four hours talking without fighting even once. How did that happen?

Maybe there was hope for their friendship. Melissa didn't let herself get her hopes up.

Melissa tried to roll over, and maybe get a tad more sleep since Ryan was still sleeping like a log, but the forgotten handcuff restrained her from doing so. She had to get these things off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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