Chapter 03

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Chapter 03

One hour later, Ryan was bidding his coworkers good bye. He walked them to the front door and watched with relief as they finally left.

He took a deep breath as he closed the door behind them. He took off running through the hallway to free Melissa from the basement but he stopped dead in his tracks.

There she was, her ponytail was sticking up in all positions, her shirt was torn up, her face was red with fury and she had 'murder him' written all over her face. Her limbs were shaking like an earthquake.

"I. Will. Kill. You." was all she said. She slowly started walking towards him, feeling like Michael Myers.

Ryan's eyes got wide with fear as she saw her coming. Although her petite body  and angelic looks suggested otherwise, she was fierce.

He held his hands up in defense as he backed away from the fuming woman. "Come on, Melissa. Let's be civil about this," he pleaded.

With every step she took, he took one back. They continued this slow, and for Ryan, agonizing process until his back hit the wall, giving him no room to move, trapped like prey. And in this case, Melissa was the predator.

"Not this time," she stated.

And she charged him. He took off running the other way. He had an advantage since he was familiar with the house but boy did this girl have a pair of legs on her. She was gaining on him fast.

"I'm sorry, Melissa!" he yelled as he continued running. "Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me!" he yelled. If Melissa wasn't so mad, she would've cracked up at Ryan running from her and screaming like a girl as if his life depended on it... Well it might. She hadn't decided yet.

All of a sudden he was being tackled to the ground. He felt the weight of Melissa on his back then the repetitive punches she threw to his back. "Stop!" he yelled with no avail. Damn, this girl could punch.

"I," she punched him. "Fucking," another punch, "Hate," one more, "You," she screamed as she threw the final punch to him.

"Melissa, I'm begging you to stop!" he yelled as he covered his head to protect it from the wrath of Melissa Evans.

She scoffed. "Just like I begged you to not leave me alone in there!" she screamed as she punched him a few more times.

"I'm sorry, okay?!" he yelled.

"Sorry doesn't cover it!"

She threw a few more punches until she felt a bit better and was sure her hand would be sore tomorrow.

She sighed. "You're not even worth my time," she said. She took a handful of his hair and lifted his head off the ground before slamming it back onto the ground. She grunted, satisfied at the crunching sound of his nose and climbed off of his back.

"I QUIT!" she spat.

Before he could recover his strength, she ran to the table beside the front door, grabbed one of the two pairs of keys to his two cars, and ran out to his driveway.

She didn't know which car she had grabbed the keys to so she pressed the unlock button and her mouth dropped in delight to see the headlights of a black Corvette flashing.

"No way," she smiled diabolically as she literally jumped into the car. She revved the engine but before she could step on the gas, she heard the front door slam.

"Melissa I swear to god, if you drive away, I'm suing you for every penny you own and making sure you never get another job!" he threatened but he didn't scare her.

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