Chapter 04

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Chapter 04

"One room please," Ryan requested as he leaned over the hotel check-in counter and gave an unnecessary smile to the attractive concierge. "A suite would suffice,"

She nodded as she looked down at her computer screen and started typing away, manicured fingers clicking on the keys.

"Wait why do you need a suite?" Melissa asked him, glaring, still upset that he had put them in this situation.

He raised his eyebrows, encouraging her to elaborate.

"Aren't we sleeping in the same bed?" She whispered, keeping her voice down so the nice yet nosy looking employee wouldn't overhear.

He leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Because I'm Ryan Maynard, the highest paid actor in the country. I can't be seen in a regular hotel room." He said it as if it was the worst possible thing in the world.

She rolled her hazel eyes at him. "You're so full of yourself it's actually quite amazing you haven't exploded yet," she snapped.

Ryan laughed much to her dismay. That was a new one...

"Room 825 is the last suite we have open," The concierge, her name tag read Deonia, interupted them, obviously jealous of the attention that Melissa was getting from Ryan.

Ryan turned his head slowly away from Melissa and toward Deonia, annoyed that she had interupted their fued.

"That'll be fine,"

"Okay," she smiled a little too hard as she held out the small room key. Melissa reached out to grab it with her cuffed hand, pulling Ryan's with it.

Deonia's eyes widened at their handcuffs. After she recovered from her shock, she mumbled "I don't think that's how you're supposed to use the cuffs..."

Ryan laughed harshly.

"Yeah, we know," Melissa chuckled. "But thanks for the help," she added sarcastically. She leaned into Ryan's ear. "Maybe we should be calling her Sherlock instead of you..."

Although he was still upset with Melissa, he chuckled at the cocoa skinned concierge's stupidity.

Deonia blushed. "Right... Well if you guys need anything, feel free to call me," she told them in a very kind manner... Especially towards Ryan.

They started their trek to the elevator. "Thanks," Melissa hollered.

"Have fun with the cuffs..." Deonia called after them.

They walked in silence to the elevator. Melissa pressed the button with a number eight on it and watched as the door shut in front of them. They rode it up to the eighth floor then walked to their suite.

The ride up was filled with handcuffs being yanked harshly, evil glares being sent toward each other, and death threats coming from both parties.

"If you don't stop pulling my hand around like a dead chicken I'm going to gorge your eyeballs out with my high heel," Melissa fumed as she tugged back on the cuffs in high hopes of causing Ryan a bit of pain.

It worked.

He tugged back just as hard. Melissa hid her wince behind a threatening glare.

"If you keep this up, I'm locking you in the basement again with nothing but a bowl of cat food," he snarled.

She snorted humorlessly. "Right because we both know how well that worked out last time," she mumbled sarcastically with a powerful pull on the cuffs. She took a step back and propped herself against the wall. Ryan had no choice but to follow her.

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