When He's Sick

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A/N: I guess I made a lot of people cry.... Sorry. Here's something a bit cute and fluffy to make up for it.


Pony would never admit when he was sick. Not to Darry, not to Soda, and especially not to you. He didn't want to seem weak around you. But when you did find out he was sick you would force him to stay in bed and let you take care of him. It involved a lot of chicken noodle soup and cuddles. You would read to him until he fell asleep and then just watch him sleep. He looked so young in his sleep. His nose would be red and he would snore a little bit. You would kiss his forehead and feel the fever wishing that you could just make him feel better. He wouldn't let you kiss him while he was sick. He didn't want to infect you. But once he got better he would spend several days kissing you at every opportunity he had to make up for it.


Dally was the biggest baby in the whole world when he was sick. He rarely ever got sick and when he did it always hit him hard. He spent the majority of his illness in his bed while you waited on him hand and foot. You would cook for him and do whatever he asked mostly because you felt bad for him. But you did draw the line at some point. When he was asking you for the TV remote when it was only out of his reach by a few inches for example. He soaked up every minute of the attention you gave him. He would never admit it but he liked being sick because it meant he had all of your attention for several days. The only downside is that you would only kiss him on the cheek because you didn't want to get sick. Dallas would always find ways to thank you when he felt better though. Sometimes flowers or a really nice date. Other times something a bit naughtier. ;)


You would literally have to wrestle Darry into bed when he was sick. Otherwise he would insist on going to work and only getting sicker. Once you had him pinned in the bed with his runny nose and sore throat you would make him promise to stay there. You would keep an eye on the door while you made him soup just to make sure he didn't sneak out. One of the worst fights you two ever had was over him going to work while being sick and almost falling off one of the roofs. You had cried and it was when Darry saw the tears that he knew he had to listen to you. After that fight he would begrudgingly let you take care of him. He did like the time that you spent in bed with him just watching TV and more than appreciated how you helped out with Soda and Pony while he was out. You would cook for them and take Pony to school and make sure everything went well. In Darry's mind you were some kind of angel sent to protect him. It was the way you took care of him without even a second thought that convinced him that you were the one he wanted to marry.


Whenever Soda woke up with a cold the first thing he did was call you. You would always clear your schedule to take care of him. It would take you a while but you would walk into the house with hot soup, tissues, and movies for the two of you to binge. You guys would set up camp on the couch and just be together. He would keep you close saying that he was cold and you kept him warm. Sometimes you were pretty sure that Soda faked being sick just to spend days like this with you. He totally did but he would never admit it. Even when you guys got older and had kids this routine would go on. Only instead of it being just you two on the couch there were three. Soda still faked being sick then too, just to spend the entire days with his two favorite girls.


Steve was a grumpycat when he was sick. He hated feeling crappy and he hated any burden he put on you by being sick. He would grumble when you would bring him food saying he could've gotten it himself. You would laugh and tell him that it was no problem.  When you tried to give him medicine he would refuse saying that he wasn't feeling too bad. That was usually before he made a dash for the toilet to lose his lunch. He would try to hide it from you so that you wouldn't force him to bed but it never really worked. You knew Steve too well to let it get by you. When he was starting to get sick he would become more crabby and would complain about everything. Literally everything. That was when you knew he was coming down with something and needed to take a few days to recuperate. You secretly thought Steve was really cute when he was sick. He would try to act tough all while his nose was running and he couldn't stop sneezing. It was really adorable.


Whenever Johnny was sick you were sick too. You two generally couldn't keep your hands off each other and that meant without fail when one of you was sick the other probably had the same thing. Your parents left you alone during the day when you were sick so you would sneak a sick Johnny into your room and you two would spend the day in bed together, feeling awful together. Whenever your parents came into check in on you Johnny would hide until they left. You were sure that the best medicine for whatever illness you had was cuddles from Johnny. He thought the same thing. Even when he felt like death all he needed was a peck from you and he would start to feel a little bit better. The gang would drop by to check on you guys sometimes and they would all make fun of how cute and simultaneously gross you two were. Johnny didn't care though. As long as you were by his side he could weather any illness.


Two wouldn't admit that he was sick. Ever. You would beg and plead with him, even fight with him to get him to just rest. You loved your boyfriend but when he was sick it was terrible. He would try to carry on as if it was nothing even though he could barely stand. Finally you came up with one last idea to get him to admit he was sick. Two was on the couch when you entered with a plastic bag. He had been sick for days but was too damn stubborn to admit it. He was only making himself worse. You stood in front of him and withdrew an article of clothing and held it front your body. A sexy nurse costume. That got his attention real fast. He was eager for you to put it on. But you explained to him that nurses only saw sick people so unless he was sick he would not be enjoying the costume. From then on out whenever he was sick you didn't have a problem with getting him to admit he was sick and to stay in bed. If anything Two started getting sick more often just to see you in that outfit.

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