Chapter 3: The Mission

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Hey guys. Before we start, I'd like to say first of all, happy new year! I can't believe 2015 is over! (I've said that every year, don't believe me lol). Also, have y'all seen the new Star Wars movie? Yeah, it ripped my heart out and stomped it into the ground. Thanks for that. Anyway, enjoy this next chapter!


The training lasted for a couple weeks. I never thought I'd be here for very long, but I was wrong. I guessed I would be here for quite a while.

I had learned to use my ability and fight. I also learned that I'm not so bad with a sword. Well, once I learn how to use it, I'm not so bad. The sword I use has a silver blade and a bright red ruby at the end of the handle. I used to be able to see my reflection in the blade, but these couple weeks of using it have worn it down. Of course, I would also be accompanied with a gun.

Alastair had called me in earlier today. He wanted to see me about "something extraordinary." As I walked into his office, I saw that Seren was sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"Ah! Here he is!" Alastair said, sounding excited. "We have to talk."

"Why is he here?" Seren grumbled.

"You'll see," Alastair turned to me as I sat in the chair beside Seren. "You have clearly been trained excellently. I think it's time for you to have a mission. You will be accompanying Seren on a spy mission."

"What?!" Seren sounded disappointed and surprised at the same time. "You said nothing about a partner!"

"Seren you can't work alone all the time. You've got to have some type of social interaction." Alastair replied calmly.

"Tell me you at least have a ship."

"Oh crap. That's what I forgot."

"You're kidding. You don't have any ships?"

"The spy agency doesn't own any ships. We borrow them from the military. All of the ships are being prepped for the attack on the enemy base." He explained. Seren looked absolutely ticked off.

"Fine, whatever."

"We could cancel-"

"No. I know where I could get a ship." She said as she started walking out.

"Well anyway," Alastair started. "your mission. You will be spying on an enemy base. Just figuring out the perimeters of the base and where all the alarms and booby traps are. Also, try to find their control room of you can. Seren could shut down the main power, cut off their supplies, helping the military have a somewhat easier attack. If you can't find it, it's okay. We'll still have an attack."

"Okay, thanks." I said as I got up.

"One more thing," Alastair leaned forward. "be careful out there."

Oh god, what was I getting myself into?


As I was walking down the hall to my room, I heard voices from around the corner, one I recognized as Seren's. The other one sounded like a machine.

"Are you saying I get to go on your mission this time?"

"Yeah. I need a co-pilot. My partner clearly hasn't been in a ship before." Thanks, Seren.

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