Chapter Six

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Natsu slammed his fist on the wall.
" Why isn't she anywhere we have looked!? "he burst.

" It could be possible... That she is not with us. "Makarov sighed.
" No! She is! She's not... She's not... "Levy looked down.
" I didn't mean as in dead. In a different realm... "Makarov explained.
" How could that be possible? "Gray questioned.
" It's been five years... She has probably forgotten about us. "Evergreen said.
" Lucy may be a strong wizard... But maybe she hates Fairy Tail for... 'ignoring' her all those years. "Freed said.
" No... Lucy's not the type to hold a grudge. "Mira said." Not even with her father. "
" But her father... Didn't grow attached, then ignore suddenly. "Laki said." At least... I don't believe he did. "
" Lucy's father was quite attached, but that changed after her mother died. "Wendy said." That's at least what she had told me. "
" Then... Will she ever be back? Maybe she's moved on... "Gray's voice was dragged on in the mind of the guild.

" Not entirely. "

Everyone looked up to the guild doors to see someone standing there in a midnight blue cloak.

" Who are you? "Elfman asked.

" I'm so glad you've finally remembered me... Minna... "

The figure pulled down her hood to reveal Lucy with tears at the edge of her eyes as she smiled at them.

" L-Lucy.... "Wendy stared, everyone stared with wide eyes.

Wendy ran up and let her tears fall as she hugged Lucy tightly.
" G-Gomen, Lucy! Gomen..... "she cried.
" Lushie! "Happy swung into the hug.
" Lu! "Levy had also joined, and so did all of Fairy Tail.
It was a big group hug Revis ended up painting.

" Lucy... "Makarov caught the attention of the whole guild as he stood on the stage with a sad look.
Lucy looked up at him.
" You have grown without any of us seeing. For how many years we have no clue... But we all hope for you to forgive us. "Makarov bowed his head, and so did all of Fairy Tail." You've grown to such a strong wizard and I... We weren't there with you to see it... Gomen Lucy... I have no right to call you 'my child' for what kind of a master am I for forgetting his own children? "
" Come on Master... You all know me better than to hold a grudge. "Lucy smiled, wiping her tears." I might have grown in age and strength... But my heart will always be with Fairy Tail. You all are my Minna... What can I hold against family? "
Everyone stood up straight with a smile.

" Let's celebrate the return of our Sun!! "

Everyone cheered at that, and Lucy was dragged all over.

" Lucy, what happened to your skin? We're you burned with those designs? And also your eyes and your hair... What happened? "Mira asked.
" Um... I've been learning new magic, the more I learned the more I changed. The marking came with each new strength. "Lucy said.
" Really? What kind of magic? "Levy asked.
" Constellations of the Dragon. "Lucy said." It's quite an interesting magic. "
" Can you show us any? "Bixlo asked.
" Yeah, show us! Show us! "his 'babies' danced in the air.
" Um-"
" What could happen? "Cana asked.
" Well-"
" I'm sure it's strong magic. "Erza said.
" Alright. "Lucy nodded.
Everyone cheered as she climbed onto the stage.
She moved her shoulders a bit as she closed her eyes, looking relaxed almost as if she was sleeping.

Behind her, something seemed to magically appear. It faded into to site as she had suddenly floated of the ground.
On her back was stars out lining dragon like wings even details and they had also flapped as well.
" Lu! You can fly! "Levy cheered.
Happy flew up to Lucy.
" Your marking of wings on your back is gone. "he pointed out.
" yep, because I'm using that spell. "she said, then landed gently onto the ground as her stars folded and dispersed. She the held up her right arm and a white furry serpent appeared from her marking that had circled her wrist.
" Minna, meet Gretta. "Lucy introduced.
" Oh my! Hello, Hello, Hello!!! "Gretta jumped around.
" Everyone chuckled to the hyperactive furry serpent 'Gretta'.

Lucy sighed in joy.

Nothing could have ruined this day. The day she would return. The day they would remember.

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