Chapter Nineteen

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"Looks like a safe place for tonight," Lucy spoke, glancing behind her to see Wendy still following her.
"Lucy?" Wendy spoke, looking up at her.
"What is it?" Lucy's emotionless tone made her jump.
"What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Why did you kidnap us?" she asked.
"You have no need to worry, I'm not going to hurt you or anyone. It's just a small task and then you'll go back to Fairy Tail where it's safe," Lucy sighed lightly.
"That doesn't answer the question-"
"The less you know the better," Lucy put her hand on Wendy's head making her flinch. Lucy pulled back her hand quickly, walking past the girl, "I'm sure the others are worried for you."
"I'm sure they're worried for you too," Wendy stated.
"They have no reason to worry for me."
"I worry for you."
"And why would you worry for me?"
"Because you look sad whenever I look at you."
Lucy stopped walking, feeling a small pain in her chest, "Your eyes are playing with you."
"Then why did you stop walking," Wendy stepped in front of Lucy, looking up at her, "Your eyes show sadness."
"It's impossible to see anything in my eyes," Lucy looked back down at her, "They're not real."
"What do you-"
"My eyes are artificial."
Wendy's eyes widened.
"Wendy, a lot has happened in these last five years," Lucy walked past Wendy, "I don't have time to sit and talk about all the things that have happened. And I already said, the less you know, the better."
Wendy hung her head, giving up on the conversation, "Can you at least tell me what you're going to use us for?" she asked, following her, "We'd find out eventually so why not tell me now."
"To open a large container to retrieve a relic called the Eye of Serpents. Unfortunately, for the container to be opened, it requires dragon magic, and quite a lot of it."
"So you took us three, and then Happy."
"I took him as a hostage so I didn't have to drag on a fight with Natsu," Lucy admitted, "Speaking of which, there he is with the rest. You might as well join them."
Lucy gestured her hand over to Natsu, Happy and Gajeel that stood over by the tree, staying together in a small group as Jayvee and Phobeus stood by a small fire. The atmosphere was not very welcoming between the two groups of guys.
"Do you not want me to hang around you?" Wendy asked.
"If it's what you really want to do, I won't stop you," Lucy put her hand on her hip, "But I'm not doing any interesting."
"What are you going to do know after looking around?" Wendy asked, "It's getting dark."
"Everyone else looks to have started eating, so I guess you should eat something," Lucy gestured back the two groups, seeing them all eat medium sized fish on sticks and two more were cooking by the fire still, waiting for the two girls to return.
Lucy began walking towards Jayvee  and Phobeus, Wendy behind her, almost like a duckling.
"Lucy, you're back," Phobeus looked up at her.
"No, I'm across the river in a fishing town," Lucy spoke with a sarcastic tone as she picked up one of the fish handing it to Wendy who let out a small giggle to Lucy's small joke and Phobeus unamused look he was giving to Lucy.
"So how does it look out there?" Jayvee asked, crossing his arms.
"the animals shouldn't cause us any trouble, but we should sleep in the airship, it's safer that way and cleaner," Lucy stated.
"I figured as much," Jayvee stood up, his gaze landing on Wendy, "But what about 'them'?"
"Let them be free to roam. We already made it so they can't use their magic, that should be enough," Lucy stated, "Besides, that room can get really stuffy with three people and an exceed."
Lucy turned seeing Wendy with a happy look set in her eyes, "I'll go tell the others," she informed, walking towards Natsu, Gajeel and Happy.
"Careful," Jayvee spoke, "You don't want to start feeling too much emotion."
"I know," Lucy nodded, turning towards the airship, "I'm going to be the first watch."
"Yourr not going to eat?" Phobeus questioned.
"I'm not that hungry, you go ahead and eat it," Lucy waved her hand at him, making her way to the airship.

"So how was it with Bunny Girl?" Gajeel asked as Wendy walked up, still eating the fish Lucy had given her.
"Not too bad, we didn't talk that much," Wendy sat down in there small circle, "She did tell me why she took us though."
"What's the reason?" Natsu asked, Happy leaned in a bit to listen, also curious.
"They want to get a relic called Eye of Serpents. But it's in something that can't be opened unless it's exposed to a lot of dragon magic," Wendy explained, "After that, she said we'd go back to Fairy Tail."
"Convenient that Fairy Tail has three dragon slayers," Gajeel commented, "Let's just get this over with."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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