#1 How you meet

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Y/N = Your name
Y/F/S = Your favourite song
A/N = Artists name

Niall - You were at a Katy Perry concert with your best friend and you couldn't help but notice the cute blonde boy sitting a few seats up from you. When the concert started, you and your friend started singing along and shouting out the lyrics to "Part of me" , although you loved Katy Perry, the cute boy distracted you, you kept looking over to him. He looked at you too, and you made eye contact for a few seconds. He smiled at you, and you smiled back. At this point you were interrupted by your friend who noticed you weren't focused on the concert, "Hey! What are you looking at that's more important than Katy Perry?!" She asked. You didn't reply and you joined your friend again, singing the lyrics. The rest of the concert was mostly spent looking at the cute boy. When the concert finished you and your friend stood outside the building, it was starting to get dark so your friend called a taxi. You knew that the taxi would take a while because of how crowded it was, so you just waited. "Im gonna go to the toilet, I'll be back in a second" your friend said. A few minutes later, the cute boy from the concert approached you. "Hey, I noticed you enjoyed the concert, I could tell by the way you were shouting out the lyrics" he said chuckling. "Oh yeah.. I love Katy Perry, as you could tell" you replied, chuckling back. There was a second of silence before he introduced himself. "Oh I'm sorry, how could I be so rude. I'm Niall, it's nice to meet you" he said, smiling. "It's nice to meet you too, I'm Y/N" you replied.

Liam - You were at a club with your friend, you'd been there for a few hours, your friend was drunk and on the dance floor, dancing with random guys, so you just sat at the bar with a drink. You noticed a guy sitting around the bar, he was staring at you. It made you feel uncomfortable as you could tell he was much older than you. Eventually he sat next to you, he smelt of cigarettes and alcohol and it seemed as if he had never heard of personal space. "Hello beautiful, can I buy you a drink?" He asked. "No thanks, I have one" you replied, uninterested. "Well at least let me take you out of this place and show you a good time" he said.
"Sorry, I'm here with a friend" you said
"Come on, I'm sure she wouldn't mind... What's your name doll?" He asked.
"My name is... Kate...." You lied, "and she would mind, I'm not leaving." You said, sternly.
"But your just so sexy and tempting..." He said, attempting to be seductive. He kissed your cheek and moved down towards your lips. You immediately moved back in disgust, making it obvious that you found him extremely off putting. "Em excuse me, what are you doing?!" you demanded.
"Come on baby.." He said, ignoring your question "just give me a little taste"
"Is there a problem here?" Said an unfamiliar voice from behind. You were in sudden relief that someone else was here.
"No there's no problem here mate" said the man, stroking your thigh.
"Then why are you stroking my girlfriends thigh?" Said the other man.
"Girlfriend? Ha! She seemed happier here with me"
"She doesn't seem very happy, now can you back off!"
The man eventually got the message and left. "Thank you, that man was awful" you said, "it's no problem" said the man, sitting next to you "what's your name? I'm assuming it's not actually Kate?"
"No that's not my real name, it's Y/N"
"Well it's nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Liam!"

Louis - It was an ordinary Friday morning, you were wearing black leggings, a tshirt, trainers and a leather jacket. You had your hair scraped back in a ponytail and very little makeup on. You were going to visit your sibling and you were waiting for the bus to come. You had your earphones in and you were listening to music. The bus arrived and you took one earphone out so you could hear, you put your money in and went to find a seat. To your surprise, the bus was crowded, so you struggled to find a seat. There was only a couple of seats left but you chose to sit next to this really cute boy wearing a beanie. He was looking at his phone so he didn't notice you. "Excuse me" you said politely. He looked up and widened his eyes to show he was listening. "Is it ok if I sit here?" You asked.
"Oh of course" he replied, smiling. He quickly moved his bag from the seat and put it on the floor.
You sat down beside him. "Sorry, it's just really crowded and this was the first seat I came across" you said.
"Oh no not to worry, I could use the company" he replied. "I'm Louis" he smiled.
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you"
Your favourite song came on, and of course you couldn't help but hum along quietly.
"Is that Y/F/S by A/N?" He asked.
"Yeah it is"
"Did you know that that's my favourite song!" He said.
"Really, mine too!" You said "do you want the other earphone?" You asked.
"Yes please, and your number too?"
You chuckled before replying "of course."

Harry: You were a barista at Starbucks, you didn't really like your job because of the moody customers, but it was a decent wage, and after all, it wasn't going to be your job forever, so you put up with it for the time being.
It was around 8:00 am and you were about to serve your first customer of the day, it was a cute boy with curly hair and a baby face, he was alone.
"Hii, what would you like?" You asked.
"Just a lattè and a scone please" he replied.
"Would you like whipped cream on your lattè?" You asked
"Oh, yes please" he answered.
"Are you sitting in or taking it out?" You asked.
"I'm taking it out" he replied
"What's your name?" You asked, getting ready to write it on the cup.
"Harry" he replied "and you?" He asked jokingly.
You chuckled, "my name is Y/N" you replied while writing 'Harry' on the cup. "Right Harry, your coffee will be ready soon" you said enthusiastically "stand over there while you wait for your coffee" you said while pointing towards the waiting area.
A few mins later Harry's coffee was ready and your co worker shouted "Harry 07855023354 call me?"
You looked over.
"That's me!" Harry said. He looked over at you and smirked, knowing that it was your number on the cup.

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